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  1. Just thought I would add this one which is Jacobs bailiffs, No 07916116 Status: Active - Proposal to Strike off Date of Incorporation: 19/01/2012 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC): None Supplied Accounting Reference Date: 31/01 Last Accounts Made Up To: (NO ACCOUNTS FILED) Next Accounts Due: 19/10/2013 Last Return Made Up To: Next Return Due: 16/02/2013 OVERDUE
  2. Thanks Seanamarts, I am the policy holder and he is a named driver, is that what you mean, sorry if it sounds like a silly question but I like to be very clear on things where the bailiffs are concerned. I can produce the insurance documents with his name on if necessary. Just for clarification though, if he is classed as named driver would I have to also show proof I gave it to him ( e.g a dated letter offering it as a gift ) and how do I stop them trying their tactics? As we both know they try every tale and stunt possible to convince you they are right and you are wrong! Thanks again for your help.
  3. Thanks for the replies, The car is of little value it is falling to bits everywhere now but still roadworthy and does what it needs to do. Tomtubby surely he can't expect me to pay for visits that haven't yet been made either, so before he even made a visit he broke the law adding the charge pre visit. There were neighbours out on the street on the last visit who actually heard him say "you have to pay before I can give you a breakdown", so I even have witnesses to that. I will take your advice and forget the form 4 though and send in my complaint to the council and bailiff firm. Also can they put a levy on the car if it is seen through the garage (metal gates) or does it have to be outside? My son uses the car for work and I gave it to him last Christmas but we never changed the log book details because the insurance isn't due for renewal until September and he is a named driver. Thanks
  4. Hi again Sorry forgot to add that I believe all letters posted on a visit should have the time and date on them, this isn't the case with mine. Thanks again
  5. Thanks for the replies. Seanamarts, he said they only give a breakdown after you have paid. I have rung the court that issued the pcn it was for £112.00, but I understand there is a fee for the letter of £13.44 which they send out. I am happy to pay the original £125.44 as it is my fault it got to that stage and have offered it many times during the conversation on Wed afternoon but he kept on refusing to accept it, but I know I still had 2 days left to pay in time anyway, he was actually quoting the price over the phone to me as if he had already made a 1st visit, how could that be justified. I am in the process of complaining to the firm involved (who probably won't give a hoot anyway) and also to the court who issued the fine and possibly even a form 4 complaint. Is that right or do I complain to the court in Northampton who issued the warrant. My complaint will also raise the issue that I offered to pay the original amount several times to him but he refused to accept it. How can he charge in advance fees + costs for things before they occur anyway? Will keep you posted on events from my complaints gladly. Thanks again everyone
  6. I received letter last week Wed 10th July for £125.44 for a pcn from jacobs rung them on Mon 15th July to pay and was told now £263.44 not even a week has gone by or a house visit but added fees, told him not paying the extra but will pay original amount because still in time of receiving the letter and paying up, he wouldn't have any of it so I hung up. Mon 5.30pm he calls puts letter through door for the amount he quoted over the phone £263.44 + costs returning 48 hrs etc. Wed 2.30 pm he posts another letter for £317.44 + costs returning 24 hrs etc Curious neighbours told me of the visits as I was out and apparently they looked like police. Thurs 1.45 pm on my way out he turns up, still refuses to accept the original amount and harks on about court warrant signed by a judge etc I told him to post a breakdown of his fees/charges to justify them with his new letter and he tells me the court has already justified them and a breakdown is only given once payment is made Then he follows me in his car onto another street and tells me to look at the warrant if I don't believe him. I know you have a warrant I say but its not for the amounts you are asking for and offer again the original amount only, he refuses. I remind him he hasn't been inside my home and made a levy of goods and he says that only applies to collecting council tax. Then I tell him he is breaking the law not giving me a breakdown and asking for fees without a levy of goods and also harassing me by following me up the street, he says the warrant allows for all of this. When I tell him I rung Northanmpton court who have agreed his fees aren't right and also a solicitor he seems bemused and tells me I am going to get myself into trouble if I don't pay, reminding him I will pay but only the original amount not his made up ones I walk away and leave him to ponder on it. Strangely when I get home the amount on the letter today (3rd visit) is for £263.44 + costs and removal is at 5.00 pm today. Now am I right or wrong but isn't he missing a few legal issues here which he is bound by. Finally he seemed pretty mad that I didn't quake and tremble at all of his jargon and threats but I have never been a weak woman and don't intend to start with a mere bailiff. Just thought I would add my experience of their tactics. Hope I didn't waffle too much.
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