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  1. thank you all very much for your help and so fast too its good to know there are people to help
  2. she gets enough with her maintenance and her sickness benefits her ex helps because he is still joint owner
  3. thanks for quick reply she has 2 children 7 and 9 mortgage has around 16 years her normal payments are £545 she had £2000 in arrears she had an agreement to pay £630 but she has misunderstood what she agreed and has been paying £600 so she can afford £50 on top and she is now unable to work because of the accident i would appreciate you helping me with letters
  4. hi everyone im a newbe looking for advice my daughter has received a hearing on 14/8/13 she has been going through a marriage breakup and been in a car accident which has left her with some memory problems and has misunderstood her agreement her arrears are £1500 she has rang the solicitors with a offer but they want the full amount what im thinking is if we put an offer in writing of £500 and the remainder over the term of the mortgage would this prevent her going to court in her present state im worried she may not cope if not could i state in the letter that we would complain to the ombusman to buy us more time any help would be appreciated
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