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  1. I have worked for the company for just over two years and have had a brilliant work record and also in every job I have had. I had a promotion in September which I thought would be a good move, unfortunately not. The workload is horrendous!!! I have spoken to my manager on numerous occasions explaining that that the workload is too much and keep falling behind. Anyways to cut a long story short I had a few days holiday and have come back to my manager pulling me into the office and saying that I am incompetent. Unfortunately I walked out as I was so upset and knew I couldn't walk through the office like that. When I went back I apologised but he handed me a letter stating "I am in breach in trust of terms of not carrying out my duties. Standards required to do my role and performance not up to the levels required". The letter then states "If you are found guilty of these allegations, the company will be giving a final written warning. I have never been given any other warnings and believe I may lose my job. I have to go back to work tomorrow afternoon for a "hearing" so that they can decide my fate. I would appreciate any advice you have to offer. I need advice on how to defend myself at this meeting. I am not very confident and know I will just go to pieces. I have had no structured traing (as the best way to learn is by being thrown in at the deep end). I am also going through some medical test at the moment (i always make appointments outside of works time), but my manager does know about the tests. This manager also does nothing for our morale. There are seven of us in the team, but he only praises three of the team. My other colleagues are now afraid that this may happen to them. I am so sorry that it is a long post but wanted to try and give as much as possible.If anyone can help I would much appreciate it.
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