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  1. I replied stating that I was not the owner by calling them but from what I have read above it seems that a phone call might not be sufficient. The letters I have received were the standard NTO and then the Charge Certificate letter and I responded to the by phone a few days later (i do not have exact dates without calling them again and getting that information). This has not been helped by the letters going to my parents address rather than my own.
  2. Another thought - if I paid it would I get a refund once I have the necessary information from the DVLA? (and I realise i should probably direct that towards the issuing authority but hey)
  3. Hey guys, thanks for all the replies and the entertaining argument to read through... All I have done is contact them via phone after receiving each letter I have not sent any correspondence. I have written a letter I intend to send stating that I was not the owner of the car and that evidence of this is on the way but wanted advice first. The matter should be solved as long as the DVLA respond to my request which there is no reason for them not to do but seeing as bailiffs could be looming and I have no idea how long the DVLA will take i am not sure what the best course of action is. How would I apply for a statutory declaration if this is what I need to do? Which option of the witness statement would be the best? Also I have evidence in the form of a bank statement with the date, garages name and the vehicle reg as a payment reference already but would this be sufficient for the time being?
  4. I received a parking ticket dated 4 days after I sold my vehicle to a garage. I have been going back and forth with the council involved about this matter and have applied to the DVLA for a letter stating the date I sold the car but am yet to hear back. I have now received a letter with the TE9 witness form trying to take the matter further and am not sure what to do. I acknowledged the NTO letter when I said I was not the owner so I can't say I never received it. I am also not sure if my phone calls to them will count as "making representations" but if they do I have not received a rejection notice so could maybe fill in the TE9 on these grounds. I am really not sure what to do and all the is even more annoying as I was not even involved in the incident and it was no longer my vehicle! Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, Sam
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