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Everything posted by B733

  1. Hi thanks for your help - yes was a loan - will send off letter and see what comes back With a bit of luck might be able to get my stuff posted up by then Thanks everyone For your Help
  2. Hi no luck with uploading the agreement - I must be doing something really stupid but can't work it out - when I try to get it on CAG I can only access photos but not where it is a pdf in iBooks - can email from iBooks but that seems to be it - perhaps need another app who know?? So hope to come back soon if I ever work out how to use this ipad - but it might be some time!!
  3. Sorry can't get the pdf which was downloaded into iBooks - any ideas ???
  4. Hi got into financial troubles when husband ill - had repaid about half of loan but had to reduce payments and now paid through Payplan Will try and scan agreement - not sure if it will be any good - my old trusted computer has just died on me and have borrowed a friend's iPad which neither of us know how to use
  5. Hi agreement was actually taken out in 1999 - my address is wrong Just sent CCA request as a general thing after reading things on forum about this The agreement actually has my current address on - everything I got back has my current address even though I have only lived here for a few year I will try to scan it up - have read how to do do it so will give it a go Thanks
  6. Did CCA request to Tesco - got letter back saying enclosed reconstituted true copy of credit agreement This is provided under the terms of the above Act using the information provided by you Don't understand what they mean by saying information provided by you BUT my personal details are incorrect on the copy agreement so not true copy? Any ideas on what I should do ?? Thanks
  7. Hi thanks - things are becoming clearer (I think)! Off to start new thread re Tesco
  8. Thanks for your replies - did not expect to get anything back so quick esp at weekend! Will start new thread for each debt but can I just ask a couple of general questions Should default notices and notices of assignments be included with SARS - don't seem to have any default notices apart from one from Capital One which is actually dated about 4 years after I started paying reduced sums through Payplan Just a bit confused about enforcement - got letters from Cabot Hsbc (now Hoist) and Atvia Kapital saying unenforceable - does this mean they can't take me to court or that they can take me to court but can't get judgement as long as I defend as unenforceable Does it make any difference that payments have continued after unenforceable letters I've read quite a lot of threads but can't seem to get some things straight in my mind Thanks Eveyone
  9. Hi my post is posted which is great 'cos last time I somehow lost it My situation is that got into a lot of debt about 10 years ago - husband got ill - we kept trying to keep everything going but of course it was all credit cards loans which before were no problem Ended up with payplan which was great as had a lot of phone hassle with debt collection people income very low so repayments very low so will never clear the debts on DMP A friend offered to help out a bit by saying he would help with full and final settlements it would be low offers over quite a few years found out from payplan that could not offer full and final one debt at a time - any money would have to be shared out so would not actually clear any debts Have spent quite a long time reading stuff on this site which was great - wish I found it before Beginning of last year started sending off SARS and CCAs then more family illness so replies dumped in a cupboard - things greatly improved and am beginning to go through all the stuffs what I hAve found out so far is there is some charges/PPI plus have some letters saying unenforceable plus a few odd things showing up on SARS Should I go it alone - anyone done this - how should I deal with unenforceable Sorry to have gone on for so long
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