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  1. Hi, I run a small business which relies on an automated billing system. Unfortunately a number of invoices from 2011 were not generated correctly by the system. These have remained hidden until recently. I didn't send out the invoices until I checked that I was within my right to do so. I also included a letter with the invoice explaining the problem with an apology along with a request to pay or call in to discuss. I have received a call from a customer refusing to pay the invoice because, he says, a piece of EU legislation states that if a company doesn't invoice a customer within 12 months of work being undertaken the customer doesn't have to pay. I checked with my solicitor who said they were not aware of any such legislation but if I wanted them to investigate would charge me so much it would be pointless chasing the debt. Is there such EU legislation? Internet searches have proved fruitless. I can only find information on having 6 years to chase a debt but this doesn't really cover whether that debt is chased within the 1st 12 months of work completed or not.
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