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  1. I've still got the ticket and now they have supplied me with photo's of it in my car along with the application for appeal to POPLA.
  2. Ok I replied to them denying any liability for charge.They have now sent me a POPLA appeal form,should I just stick it in the drawer or try appealing to POPLA? The parking ticket I displayed is pretty basic and not the type where you put your vehicle reg number to link to your vehicle.
  3. The ticket I displayed didn't expire for over an hour after I left the car park.The time between observing my car and issuing the ticket was 12 seconds,he was still doing his photos when I got in the car to leave.The Fixed Charge Notice was issued by a company also owned by the landowner.Is there any point in me emailing them photo copies of the FCN and my parking ticket together with 'any liability for charge is denied',or should I just wait and see what happens?
  4. I received a ticket on my windscreen as the parking enforcer said I had been given my parking ticket by another motorist,I was in the car park less than 5 mins and he was still taking my photo as I reversed out of the parking space.He was quite aggressive and I was so shook up I nearly reversed into another car.Do I email Napier ( who's name is on the ticket) and if so what do I say?
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