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  1. Dear All, I think it could be great news? We sent proof off his age. Namely a copy of his birth certificate My Son received a letter today from L.A fitness confirming his membership has been cancelled with immediate effect and apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you all very much for your help although when I now look back they were on a hiding to nothing, BUT .. Without your support and guidance I would have been a nervous wreck. AS PROMISED MY SON WILL SEND A DONATION BY PAYPAL SO YOUR WORK CAN CARRY ON. THANK YOU AGAIN DAD67
  2. Thank you again. Letters written will be sent today Dad67
  3. Will do. Did track the first one and it was delivered the next day. Thanks again Dad
  4. Hello again, My Son received a letter from Arc Europe today. We are disappointed to note that you have not cleared your balance following our previous letter. On the instruction of our client, we can now take steps to prepare a county court claim against you for recovery of the above debt. + To avoid action pay today also that he may incur further charges such as solicitors and court fees. No mention of the letter we had sent ? Dad
  5. Hi all, Its been 10 days since the letter was posted and as yet we have not received a word.. I will keep you posted.
  6. For ever in your debt...Letter will be sent tomorrow... I shall get myself a Paypal account and follow the link. Thank you all Not as worried Dad.
  7. Hi. He bought a bag and a lock and was given a book on tips on training! Nothing else.
  8. Thank you for your replies.. There was no credit agreement as he believed it to be be just for the month as described by the staff at the Gym. So he only paid for the month by card and for this reason alone he did not believe he had to give any notice as he only went for two weeks then did not return! Thank you Worried Dad.
  9. Dear all, I have recently been informed that my 17 year old Son had a one month trial membership at LA Fitness. He went with a friend in January 2013 and was informed that he could have a months taster but had to pay up front which he did. I have now been informed by my rather worried son that he has received a letter from ARC Europe for £539:00 which includes a £40 administration fee to be paid within 10 days or it may be passed to there solicitors. I have called ARC today but the response was non helpful. My son turned 18 in April 2013 Please advise Dad67 (worried dad)
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