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Everything posted by damiller

  1. Hi there, i've been using your site over this past few months to help me with reclaiming £3,158.00 of charges and £195.39 of intrest from Ulster Bank, these chages were mainly due to a bad experiance with our Business Manager. The Account was held in our Family business name and was a Partnership when the charges were incurred, we have since moved banks and closed the account. We decided we had nothing to loose so thought we would give it a go, I sent of the Subject Access Request and recieved the information after a few phone calls to chase them up, I complied a list of the charges and sent it of with a refund request letter. I have just today recieved a letter from the bank, inside the 14 day period may i add, it says "we believe our charges are fair, reasonable and transparent. We consider that the amounts debited to your account have been applied strictley in accordance with your agrement with us and our published tariff, which we are satisfied, complies with all applicable laws and regulations. We are also committed blah blah etc.." these charges ranged between £9 & £13 over the period and were met with the line Irregular account charge, these were applied each and every day that a DD or cheque would go thought the account while it was over the aggreed overdraft limit, I for one don't belive that is either fair or reasonable. Finally the letter ends by saying I therefore regret to advise that we will not be refunding any of the charges applied to your bank account. What next i ask, can anyone offer any advice...?
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