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Everything posted by sarahc1986

  1. Thanks I was thinking it was complete BS but just wanted to make sure I wasn't barking up the wrong tree. Worst finance company i've ever dealt with let alone the fact I always get someone american or indian who probably don't understand HP. I'll drop them a complaint email and letter recorded delivery.
  2. I've had my finance with Banque PSA for 3 years and changed my direct debit date shortly after starting the agreement to the 19th to coincide with my payday. I have now had to find new employment and my pay date has changed to 5th of every month starting from February. I received my last wage 19/12/2013 and they received payment then for December. I contacted them last week when I received my new pay date to see if they could change the direct debit - I was advised it can only be changed once so no it can't be done for 5th of the month. I will now miss Januarys payment on 19th but they refuse to agree a payment plan before the payment fails and I have to wait for there to be a missed payment to be hounded and harassed by phonecalls regarding this. I've advised I will pay my full payment on 5th Feb presumably for Feb and pay £80 additional to cover Januarys for the next 3 months. Are they allowed to do refuse to change my direct debit date? If so I will receive letters, default notices and phonecalls every month going forward as I can't pay on the 19th. Any advice what to do? It's not that I can't afford to pay or am refusing to pay I just can't pay 19th of the month anymore
  3. Yes they've cancelled my membership as of today
  4. I sent an email directly to the gym before posting in here advising I'd been accepted at uni and wasn't able to take up my membership. They've called today and left a message advising as I'm in the 14 day cooling off period they've cancelled this. Obviously debit finance don't state this on signing up
  5. Thank you for your help I'll get the letter off to them tomorrow. I'll send it recorded delivery to confirm they've received it. I'll keep you updated with the progress
  6. Hi 1) All the information I received is in the first post no mention of rights to cancel. The actual gym I've joined T&CS were attached as well and it isn't mentioned in there either. Below are the ones attached to the leisure centre which looks like they just provide the facilities and Debit Finance deal with membership and payment 2) I haven't used the gym or any of the other facilities covered by the membership as they require a pro rata payment to cover the period before the payments commence so 8th July-31st in effect just short of a full month. T&CS for the leisure centre Terms & Conditions - Access to facilities/activities is governed by the rules of management at participating facilities and are subject to availability copies of which can be obtained upon request. - An Induction is required before you can use the Profiles Health and Fitness Centre. This includes satisfactory completion of a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire and the undertaking of an appropriate workout (please wear suitable comfortable clothing e.g. trainers and shorts/ tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt). An induction must be booked with reception and will be arranged subject to availability. - A pro-rata payment will be required on your first visit. This is a payment required for the use of the facilities until your first direct debit payment is received. - WLCT reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary where it is found that the card holder has abused the scheme. - Administration fee of £1.60 will be charged for all lost or replacement cards. Cards must be presented on every visit. - Membership is valid for 12 months. £1.60 upgrade fee must be paid annually. - Student Membership: Students must be in Full- Time Education with letter from their college, proof of ID/ Student Card are required. Students are required to bring proof of these requirements to the WLCT Leisure Centre of their choice. - Lifestyle card is not transferable. - For security a photograph of the card holder may be taken and held on the system. In case of dispute the decision of WLCT shall be final and binding.
  7. I signed up online at home through the gyms website
  8. I signed up online through the fast direct debit website linked to Wigan Life Centre/WLCT. No payments have been made yet the first DD is due 1st August and i've not used the facilities
  9. No i've always worked full time but only received confirmation i'd been accepted onto the part time degree programme on Thursday 18th - I applied months ago and had forgotten all about until the letter came through
  10. Thanks any help would be appreciated. I've had a membership dealt with by them years ago which ended in dispute as they constantly denied getting notice of cancellation from me
  11. I signed up to my local gym the other week however they use an external company to handle the monthly collections side of things. I signed up 8/7/2013 however i'm now working 6 a week and back at uni from September part time - naturally finding time for the gym will be a struggle. I know with most things theres a 14 day cooling off period but i can't see anything relating to this on the confirmation email. All the email says is: Minimum period: 12 months (Non Cancellable in this period) Terms & Conditions Definitions: The Service Provider = "We"; The Customer = "You"; Debit Finance Collections Plc = "DFC" Terms of your Contract Period of Commitment You are agreeing to subscribe monthly for the services provided by the Service Provider and contracting to remain a subscriber for the minimum period shown overleaf. Termination of Service Limited right to cancel During the minimum period of the agreement you may cancel the agreement only: If we fail to maintain the standard of service you would reasonably expect. If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably. If you develop a medical condition which prevents you from using the services on an ongoing basis. An appropriate medical practitioner must provide written evidence that this is so. If you move away from the area by a distance which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require evidence that such a move has taken place. If you lose your employment and are unable keep up the repayments as a result. You must produce documentary evidence and initially we shall be prepared to suspend payments for two months and review with you your financial situation thereafter. Termination Payment for Early Cancellation If you cancel your subscription during the minimum contracted period, other than in the circumstances set out above, we shall be entitled to a termination payment (a "Termination Payment") The Termination Payment will be the total of: The arrears, if any Any accumulated late payment charges that have been or will be incurred The monthly subscriptions that would otherwise have fallen due before the end of the minimum contracted period. You will be given credit for early payment and this will be a discount allowed against the total you have to pay. For details of how the discount is calculated please contact DFC. Missing Payments If you miss two payments you will be deemed to have breached your contract. Giving notice to cancel DFC (The Collecting Agent) will continue to collect your monthly subscription after the minimum contract period. Should you not wish to continue subscribing after the minimum period you must give notice to cancel the contract in the month before the final payment of the minimum period. If you wish to cancel the contract at any time after the minimum contract period you must give one month's notice. The notice should be in writing or by e-mail and sent to the service provider or Debit Finance Collections Plc. Collecting your monthly subscriptions Debit Finance Collections Plc ("DFC") is our agent for the collection of your monthly subscriptions. DFC will collect your subscription monthly in advance on our behalf by Direct Debit. If you fail to make a payment on time you will incur the following charges: 1) Fail to pay the subscription on the due date ..................................................................................................................................£10.00 2) Fail to pay the missed subscription within 7 days of the date of a reminder letter ..................................................................£20.00 3) Fail to pay the arrears and accrued charges within 7 days of the date of a Final Notice ......................................................£30.00 Late payment charges become payable immediately they are incurred. Other Charges 1) Payment other than by Direct Debit .................................................................................................................................................£5.00 2) Any cheque returned unpaid by your bank.....................................................................................................................................£10.00 DFC is also our agent for serving notice and collecting any Termination Payment which becomes due. Any notice served on you by the terms of this contract will be deemed to have been delivered to you the next day after it is despatched by us, or our agent. Data Protection Statement Debit Finance Collections plc always uses information submitted by you ('Information') in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. By signing this agreement you confirm your acceptance of the terms of the Data Protection Statement. Debit Finance Collections plc will use information as follows: To supply services as requested by you including the transfer of information to employees, agents and third parties as required for this purpose. For administration purposes To market Debit Finance Collections plc services to you. Debit Finance Collections plc may also disclose details of your account to a debt collecting agency for collection and tracing purposes. Debit Finance Collections plc may transfer its business assets (which include information) on sale or merger of its business. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you certain rights, including the right to request a copy of your information and to have inaccurate information corrected. Please contact the Data Protection Manager, Debit Finance Collections plc, PO Box 6046, Milton Keynes, MK1 9BA. Does this mean that for the next 12 months I'm going to have to pay due to there being a minimum term imposed on me? Is there anything I can do as I don't want to be shelling out £360 over 12 months for something I won't be using.
  12. Agreement is over 5 years I owed £14,295.40 and have paid £6,318.83 as per their breakdown on the default notice
  13. That's for that advice I'll get a letter to them tomorrow. I'm assuming they record all calls - we have to by our regulators so they shouldn't be any difference. I'll see how far i get with them in writing Thanks again
  14. Dn is dated 4/7/2013 and posted 1st class prepaid business and remedy date 22/7/2013. The arrears are correct at £333 however I made the agreement to spread the remaining payment from June over July and August normal payment £233.29 + £50 arrears. I've no issue in paying them the arrears and thought speaking about it would help but ey don't seem to be reasonable - that plus half runtime I'm not convinced they fully understand English
  15. I've had my vehicle with banque psa/Citroen for 28 months and never defaulted. I spoke to them last month (June) to explain my payment wouldn't be made in full due to a change in job. They agreed for the additional payments of £50 a month to be added to my regular monthly payment for July and August to clear the remainder . My payment is usually due on the 1st each month but it was agreed that the 19th wouldn't be a problem but an official change couldn't be made until the arrears are cleared. I have today received a default notice giving me until 22nd July to pay £333 as opposed to the 283 agreed despite confirming with them that I would not receive on - presumably due to them being aware and already agreeing. If the £333 isn't paid they'll take the vehicle back this payment won't be an issue but then I'm concerned as Augusts payment will be late they'll commence everything again. Where do I stand as I've already come to an agreement with them but they don't seem to be honouring their side of things
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