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  1. I have heard from someone else that he did something similar to them! I won't let it drop, I will find this man eventually! thanks again for your help
  2. thankyou so much, i was getting a different road on my search for some reason, i will take a drive over, his electerol roll addres isnt even in leicester. Hes deleted his business and personal facebook page, Thanks so much again, i really appreciate ur help x
  3. Hi, is there anychance u could email me the address u found for him if u stil have it? hes completely disappeared of the face of the earth! thanks
  4. Small claims court it is by the looks of things, we did tell him he would be reported to trading standards and he offered a refund, havent heard from him again, so i dont think we have any choice, cant seem to get a street name from his postcode, but i will track him down one way or another! There really are some [problematic] about!
  5. Surprise surprise he hasn't turned up and wont answer calls. His business is called Leicester Mobile Mechanics. Does anyone know my next step now? We have given him plenty of opportunity to fix it. I had a mechanic out yesterday to look at the engine and spotted 2 holes in the silicone that sits on the side of the head gasket, so looks deliberate as the oil is just spilling through them. Thanks again for any help
  6. Hi, he's been in touch and said he will be out on Monday at 9am to sort it, I don't think he will show but have to give the benefit of the doubt, even though he's said it a few times before
  7. Hi, i have been taking screen shots of everything to do with him, thanks:)
  8. Hi I just looked back for his address but its gone, could you please post it again for me. Thanks
  9. I did get a receipt but didnt have his address on it, I will check and see if a vat number Is on it. Thanks again
  10. Thanks, would trading standards help me get my money back? I'm not too good with legalities. His Facebook page is Leicester mobile mechanics, and his profile picture is his business card. We have been very patient with him and haven't been nasty, we just want the matter sorting, really can't believe people can do this and get away with it.
  11. I have tried getting a friend to contact him and he's just not replying to anyone. I have found him on the electerol roll but have to pay to get his address. Do you know if the police will get involved? I'm really at my wits end now. Thanks for any help
  12. He had advertised on facebook (i know, i shouldnt have been so daft) but he had loads of good recomendations. I have his name and 2 different mobile numbers for him but thats it
  13. Hi, I really need some help. I had seen a mobile mechanic advertised, and my car needed to be repaired. He came out and told me what was wrong with the car, it had been losing oil and water and over revving. He came and said the head gasket was going and also should change the cambelt. He quoted me £450 which i agreed to. He spent 3 days working on the car. When my husband took the car out a week later (he didnt get a chance before due to work) the engine started smoking and there was oil all over the road and car engine. We tried to contact the mechanic who said he was very sorry and will come out and fix it, that he may not have tightened a pipe properly. This was 2 weeks ago, he has said on numberous occasions that he wil be out and hasnt turned up, when we ring he apologises again that hes been busy, gives us another date and still doesnt come, we have had enough, hes now not answering the calls at all or replying to messages. I have had to declare the car as SORN now and just had enough. I have no idea what my legal options are. I have no business address for him or email address. Can anyone help? If i go through small claims court will it cost me more? I just cant afford to repair the car again and also pay court costs. Thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give me.
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