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  1. Larson

    Incompetent DVLA

    After a few more butt kicking phone calls the DiVla now agree they have found rhe p/o so obviously enclosed with my D1 form. The crux of the matter was so many departments involved,and none of which aware of what the other is doing. The next step is cancelling the p/o for £135 sent for the medical fee,owing to mis-information given. Hopefully people my frustration and expense are evident and I can be excused leading off before. I suggest anyone with DVLA issues asks to speak to Carole Evans OBE(customer services manager) you never get to however it is usually the kick in the arse the minions need to work on the problem.
  2. Larson

    Incompetent DVLA

    I am pulling my hair out with frustration here concerning DVLA's utter incompetence. Following my driving ban(yes I know before anyone says) I waited until 5 years had elapsed to allow my wife to obtain her much needed Motability vehicle. I sent in my D1 form with the relevant fee £90,also owing to one of the idiots on customer services also sent the medical fee to them.I was advised this fee was £135,so I duly sent that also. I since learn the medical fee is in fact £98.50 and should never had been sent to them in the first place. Now they have no record of either postal order on the system after a wait of 3 months. Following phone call after phone call am no nearer to obtaining my much needed license back. Unfortunately Carole Evans OBE(customer services manager) does not take phone calls so anyone have any idea what to do next? Have written to Postal order admin team in relation to the postal orders however do not have the money to re-apply. A truly woeful situation.
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