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Everything posted by shellby8681

  1. Hi there, Thank you so much for your kind response, all help is very much appreciated. I do not have all statements from Kensingtons as I have been receiving help from third parties and they have a lot of my paperwork. Unfortunately the agencies who have been apparently helping me seem to do very little. As I explained in my original post we have been continually disappointed and let down with many false promises. I stumbled upon this website as I have now decided that I can not rely on such agencies and must educate myself quickly regarding financial/mortgage law and help myself! Regarding the SAR... I have only just researched and learned what this is. Is it possible that if I do the SAR the mortgage company will turn mo me further and be even more awkward? I do not have any insurance policies regarding the mortgage. I have spent a while putting together a formal complaint letter in which I have requested that they remove and refund all charges etc. The main thing I do not understand is they keep informing me that although I am paying £19.90 per month towards the arrears it is never coming down and is only increasing due to something called compound interest. This is a subject on which I hold zero knowledge, is this something you are familiar with? In a 2 year period my arrears have gone from £2891.51 to £3334.67 even though I have ALWAYS maintained monthly contractual payments plus the £19.90 towards the arrears???? Thanks in anticpation.
  2. Please help!!! We are also being stung by interest being added onto our arrears. Our arrears balance never seems to reduce because Kensington are adding simple/compound interest onto the arrears balance. These words "compound and simple interest" are alien to me as I simply have never been educated in finance! The mortgage company take great pleasure and advantage of my lack of knowledge and when I try to challenge them they fob me off with their jargon! If only schools taught such skills instead of useless maths lessons!! Anyway, is there any advice you can give me regarding this subject as I feel suicidal with the possibility of losing my home because of these arrears!!
  3. Hi there, I am trying to use your links to access the template letter but it always tells me I do not have permission for access??? Please help as I really think I need something like this letter due to Kensingtons hideous arrears charges! Thanks in anticipation. It is working now... Thank you.
  4. Hi there all, I am new here and am in desperate need of any help or advice. We have a 2nd mortgage/charge on our property with Kensington. A couple of years ago following an accident my husband and I were forced into unemployment due to ill health/injuries. We now receive help from the dwp paying towards our mortgages, Kensington currently receive £33.04 per month dwp payment and £110 from us. We have approximately £3000 of arrears on the account also. Our monthly payments cover the contractual payment and some towards the arrears. This would be brilliant if the arrears balance was ever coming down! However, despite our religious payments and commitment to resolve this situation we are constantly being charged interest on the arrears which is far more than we are paying making the situation constantly worse and further behind. We have received some legal advice all of which seems to get us nowhere. We have been applying to the local council since 2010 for what started out as a grant to prevent repossession and has since turned into a loan to prevent repossession. Each year we have been disappointed by the council who seem to make any excuse not to give the loan. They have now this year said that because we have a less than perfect credit score they are unable to provide the loan! If I had perfect credit I would not be in this mess and would go to a bank for a loan! We have now been advised to go Bankrupt in order to obtain the council funding! This thought terrifies me and seem quite extreme for only the possibility that they will lend me £3000 to clear these arrears! I would be so grateful for any help regarding this situation as I quite honestly feel suicidal with it all. All I want to do is keep paying and clear the arrears but because they insist on adding the high levels of interest to the arrears this is proving impossible.
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