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  1. this is correct , they passed the outstanding balance to the council ( £42.50) but have instead took it upon themselves to collect it without instruction from the council. Their site has been down for 2 days now. The problem I have is not knowing if they are coming back as they insist the council have made an error and they are to collect ... but the council insist this isn't the case . Oh Hum I have to wait till next week to speak to the C.A.B . I do hope you get your problem sorted too it's such a run around
  2. not fees but I do have a tendency to harp on .. but so nice to hear you would of stood up for us too Thanks Unclebulgeria67
  3. the £42.50 was council tax, Rossendales took their £63.30 fee and passed the account back to the council . It resulted in £42.50 outstanding council tax . I have never been visited before by any baliff from Rossendales , Never been visited by a collection agent from their either. I am contacting the C.A.B in the morning and will also ask them to help me find out who the CEO or the council is , And who is responsable at Rossendales . The fact the Baliff shouted at me, scared my son and stressed myself, my partner and other children , She also shouted loud enough for my neighbours to hear . Gladly they found it funny and knew I wasn't so shallow as to not pay my bills . I am so shocked , still have no cars as I am so scared they will come whilst Iam out or asleep. After alot of research I have found that Rossendales are the most notorious company and should you google [EDIT] she comes up with other people complaining. How can this company and the council blame me , when all I did was pay the outstanding amount to the council the day they sent my bill through ? I don't understand , The council haven't forwarded the Rossendales account information like I asked .. she read it out and I jotted down what she saw on screen. I cannot find the paper , but basically. The bill was for £879.80 which we paid .. They took their fee of £63 odd and left me owing £42.50 to the council. I've tried to log on their site today to see who the person to speak to is, And all I get is page couldn't be found? I don't understand how or why this is happening but am so glad to get help from you guys xx
  4. Hi all, I too have had an awful experience with Rossendale's baliffs this week. on 24/06/13 two Baliff's attended my home for outstanding council tax. They had been appointed by the courts the previous year and I paid online with my credit card the amount we owed the council £859.80 then Rossendales took their fee of £63.30 and passed the remainding debt to the council which was £42.50 in April this year I recieved my council tax bill which gave me the Yearly bill and on the footnote it stated this does not include £42.50 from the previous year. Upon reading this I paid £55.00 to clear the outstanding £42.50 from last year and a bit towards the new tax year. This cleared my debt from the previous year. When Rossendales Bailiff [EDIT] attended my home she did not identify herself as a Baliff , instead she told my partner she was there to collect £42.50 for outstanding council tax . He explained he had paid it and she said No you haven't you owe $42.50. My partner explained he paid it in full minus fees on the Rossendales website . she said No you failed to pay £42.50 and this is why I am here. I then went to the door as my partner whom is being treated for depression was getting anxious. I asked her why she was there and again she repeated louder For the outstanding Council tax of £42.50 I then asked Sorry where are you from? She said Rossendales ( stll didn't show any paper work or ID card or say she was a baliff) I then tried to explain that I had indeed paid the council in full as when we paid on Rossendales web site we didn't pay the credit card fee or their charges and they passed back to the council - their fees. I paid it , She then started shouting over me loudly so my neighbours heard her You owe £42.50 and if you don't pay I will be levying goods . I asked her to shut up and let me explain there has been an error, To which she shouted No your wrong you owe and im here to collect it .. I told her That she wasn't listening and went to close the door. She put her hand on the door to prevent me closing it , but I dd so anyway , I wasn't prepared to be shouted at by a woman who I do not know , had no right to be there or had even identified herself as a baliff. She then hammered loudly on the door Scaring my 6 year old son ( he is Autistic) myself and my daughter of 12. My partner getting very angry by this point . I shouted back through the door get off my property or I will call the police , the amount has been paid I owe nothing , she shouted very loudly You owe The council £42.50 I will be back to take your goods whether your in or not . She carried on knocking loudly and I told her I would not speak to her now Good day Madam. she went up the path after poking her paper through the door ( inwhich my son posted back out to her) [EDIT] then proceeded to our vehicals parked outside wrote down both registrations and viewed the tax discs? this is how she proposes to levy my goods I think. I sat in shock that this could happen and immediatly my partner and I took the cars to a friends some 20 miles away and caught the train home! The next morning after being up most of the night with my son who was scared to sleep incase the shouty lady came back , I walked 3 miles to the council office. I spoke with the lady on the desk who was shocked to hear my story. She immediatly went out to the collections team and showed them my account .. she reappeared some 5 mins later explaining that the council had not authorised the visit that my account was clear and not to worry, The council collections team had sent an Email to Rossindales to confirm there is no outstanding amount to be paid. I walked home again and felt so much better. I called the Baliff and explained what the council had said , to my suprise she said She had heard it all before the amount stands and she will be back to levy goods and I will be charged, she will be back at a time convieniant to her ..after again trying to explain she hung up. I called the Rossendales office just to be told that [EDIT] had called the council and I have been misinformed .. Either pay or Ill be getting a visit and a charge.. I got annoyed and said right I will phone the council back this is stupid. I then called the Collections team at Mansfield District council , I spoke to a lady who went through my account . She then said the system may of not known I had paid it but it is on the computer and that she will personally make sure they back off us and there is nothing owing and not to worry. By the evening I was exhausted upset and still had a scared 6 year old. I then noticed an answer phone message , when I played it back it was the Baliff she said that She had called Her Head office and they had confirmed that the money is outstanding and i now have 24 hours unfourtunatly for me she will call back take goods and charge me for the visit . that the council have been misinformed and Rossendales will be calling them to sort it out. I need to know what my rights are, can I have this woman arressted if she comes on my property? can I also have her done for harrassment and scaring my 6 year old? and why is she not on the register for Baliffs if she is the baliff incharge? If anyone can help me make the right legal steps I would aprechiate it so much , i am tired and scared to go out, have no cars untill I know she wont be back. What happens if she comes back and takes my belongings when I am out ( eveyone needs the shop) do I get them back will I have to pay .. I am scred out of my wits by this comapny Thank you to anyone out there that can help Nat
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