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  1. does anyone know what they could be sending me, as they dont have a new £1 postal order or the £10 for SAR, so why send something recorded for anyway, when all the other letters have been sent normal 2nd class business post.? has anyone else ever got stuff in the post this way?
  2. Just called the local PO and got them to read out the return to address- guess what!! Calthorpe House, 12 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM, B15 1QZ (HSBC Invoice Finance)does anyone know what they may have sent me??? to scared to collect it- again especially as they need my signature !
  3. Can anyone shed some light on this? i sent HFC another letter to say that they havent complied with my original request for the signed credit aggreement, as they sent me the same letter from march. The thing is i know that its from them as the royal mail sorry you were out note had my middle inital on it, and they are the only company who have ever used this, just called the post office and they say that it was probaly a company as the recorded signed for sticker is a really old one starting DW....has anyone else ever recieved anything from HFC recorded? and what could it be anyway. i wasn't expecting it, so i'm not collecting it, i think they will print off my signature from the royal mail website and then up load on to credit agreement?? ANOTHER CHECK- HFC bank is also called HSBC Finance- so its from them!!!
  4. another thing i dont know is how they found me, i have moved about 6 times since this loan was taken out and i never gave them my new address, my partner owns the house, so i;m not on any register and all the bills are in his name too? where can i get the standard SAR letter from and how many days etc do they have to respond.? tks again y
  5. hi, im21 is on 'me to challenge HFC Bank' you are both on this one, which as you are in the situtaion yourself means you are my experts lol
  6. hi, i see from your other thread you haven't got your SAR back? when is their time up for you>?when you say a reconstructed one is good enough? does that mean they can send me anything?? and not the original one as the CCA request asks for? seems pointless to ask for a CCA if this means nothing? confused
  7. i want to know if they can inforce anythig and that if they can't then they should go away and stop sending me letters, also since theyhave asked me for another payment and proof of identity should i do that? as thats all they have asked for ? and also why didnt they say they had the cca in the first place.? or in fact are they lying>? doesnt make sense. and is there a timescale to me replying? is doesnt' say on their letter.
  8. hi there, the loan amount they say is still owing is only £380!, surley it would cost them more to go to court?
  9. thanks i will, has anyone ever got back info from requesting a SAR? and like you say if they have sreadded lots of stuff what can they produce to make me pay back to them? is anything inforcable without a CCA???
  10. thanks for the quick repsonse, wanted to know why HFC are asking for the CCA fee again, when capquest already said that they couldn't process my request back in December. it was as though they were trying to find me and then passed the account back to HFC, although they said in their letter that HFC required a signature, so they must have sent my request to HFC in december???i dont get it??? do i need to sent them the CCA fee again or just a SAR, i will only be sending them a postal order anywyay, i know they can scan your signature??tks
  11. Hi there, I am new to the site and wanted some help. last november i recieved a letter from capquest, after reading some info on here and other sites - I sent them a CCA request and the fee with a postal order and never signed any of the letters, in december i had 3 letters from them, they wrote to say that they were no longer dealing with the account and sent back the postal order and said any information should be reffered back to HFC. april this year i started to get the same letters from HFC saying they had tried to contact me several times without sucess, and that they wanted this matter sorted out. i ignored all the letters until i got the last one, saying that they were issuing me with defult notice and i had to reply within a certain timescale. I broke and replied with the copy of the letter i had sent to capquest and the fact that they had returned my fee and said tnat they could not process anything without a signature, HFC replied and asked me to reply again with the £1 fee and a proof of idenity? surely this is way to late as the account went into dispute back in december and they capquest said they needed a signature to process. they even said that HFC had said they needed a signature to process the information. So why are HFC still persuing this? as another note, they have added the information to my credit file, before contacting me as it wasn't on my file in Decemeber, but weirdly appearred a week before the HFC letter came. Plus they said they might not hold information on the account if it is over 6 years old, and i think it was taken out in 2004, althouigh i cant rememeber when i stopped paying on it, as i requested the remaining amount years ago when i could pay it back and they never came back to me, i forgot about it- till now lol am sure also that the amount is not right, could they have added more onto to amount really owed???? i know lots of info, but need to know if i should send another CCA request to HFC when capquest said they needed my signature? any advice would be really helpful. xx
  12. hi there, this is the first time i have logged on, have sent the first letter to the Halifax and they responded within a week! they are offering me a lously £82.00! don't know how they come to that, doesn't even cover three payments?? am going to send the second letter, how did you get on NTL-GUY?
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