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Everything posted by split01

  1. thanks I did not receive any response from the council, and due to domestic arrangements at the time did not receive the pcn I will seek a review, if I have to pay a fine so be it, but I would like to come to an arrange with the council especially as the orginal fine was £50 not the £340 Marston want. do pcn have a shelf life?
  2. hi, This is the third visit 2 pre appeal plus this morning. I had informed the LA and included on witness statement that I was unemployed, and on benefits. As suggested I'll write to the LA, but would rather avoid any communications with Marston as reading through the forum it appears that Marston do not take the most sympatric stance.
  3. hi, As earlier in thread I lost the appeal, and today at 06:30 Marstons have turned up at the door, unfortunately I answered them (through window). I was slightly surprised as the letter from TEC said I should have heard from the issuing LA (nothing from LA unless Marton's visit counts). I informed the guy I was unemployed which was ignored, he said he `would have a look round' my daughter's car was on the drive but that is registered in her name. ( I am getting it removed to a garage shortly) What are my next steps, this is their third visit and the costs go up £40 each time, I am unemployed I cannot afford to pay, and I doubt any goods would cover costs although they have not levied anything.
  4. Hi Looking for advice, on next steps I've just had a statutory declaration/witness statement refused. The letter form TEC also said I should have heard from the issuing LA (pcn) which I have not yet. I think I read on another thread that I could appeal to an adjudicator, which is free (currently unemployed) The parking ticket was not mine, but the car belonged to me and the orginal letters from the LA got lost due to domestic issues. I'm trying to avoid Martons turning up at the door again (to hot to keep the windows closed)
  5. the Removal Notice had my name on it, the charge certificate and I presume also the warrant from Northampton had my name on them. As I said in a earlier post it is obviously a method of bullying and intimidation. I thought that if enough wrote to the court from this bailiffs area then the court might be compelled to act, especially as this bailiffs certificate is up renewal. Although I am not sure how to go about letting people know (forum rules etc, we should at least try and be the guys in the white hats) although the Bailiff register and my thread might lend a clue.
  6. Agreed but the original warrant was made out to me, not my partner and she would not be liable for any costs incurred. I feel like I should do something, and if others with shared experience in this particular bailiffs area also complained then the message might get across that these companies should play my the rules. I know it is not as intimidating as some of their tactics but it is still bullying, and causes distress to others. I only mention this as said bailiff certificate is up for renewal.
  7. thanks One of many tactics to shame/bully us into giving into them. I thought about informing the court, as his certificate is due for renewal. I doubt very much if anything would be said.
  8. Hi Should all notices from DCAs or Bailiffs, even if hand delivered be in envelopes? is there something about data protection? or even COP? I ask because I had 'a removal notice' from Marston Group, a nice piece of gold banded A4 telling all I had a warrant issued against me and that I needed to pay £339.04 (second one £379.86). just a thought.
  9. thanks for explaining, the bailiff is based at Southampton court so hopefully should have got information. As a general question, have court appointed bailiffs been moved into the private sector, I only ask as a number of years ago I dealings with a bailiff (warrant card similar to police) who was really helpful explaining various forms and appeals I could go through. Unlike these bandits.
  10. Yes I filed the application yesterday before 16:00. So hopefully I can deal with the LA or direct with Northampton ? I forgot to mention I had a second Removal Notice through the door at 07:00 yesterday although on the notice it is timed at 07:40 no door bell or knocking is this standard practise?
  11. I posted earlier regarding PCN and Marston removal notice. I've contacted the council unfortunately the person I need to speak to is on leave at back Monday, guy I spoke to said I should have had more correspondence from Marstons . After much chasing found out a warrant had been issued in Nov. 2012 from Northampton. The Traffic enforcement were helpful and emailed me the following: a The TEC processes Witness Statements, Statutory Declarations and Out of Time Applications. which I filled in and sent back, I am sure they I was informed that they would contact the council automatically and the warrant would either be withdrawn or suspended. Is this the case? and will it stop the marstons calling? (don't the idea of hiding everytime the doorbell rings what should I do next, any advice appreciated.
  12. Hi, I'm trying to find out if this has been to court at the moment, fortunately the house is rented. All post would have come to home and addressed to me
  13. Hi I'm just looking for some advice, I had a guy from Marston turn up this morning, guessed it might be debt collector as going through a bad time at the moment (unemployed) so did not answer. However he pushed a 'Removal Notice' through the door, on which stated that despite previous visits and notices the matter had not been settled. 1, I have had no early visits or note saying they had been to the house. 2, I am sure I have had no correspondents from them ( may have binned one ?) 3, I thought a warrant had to be issued. There is a Parking Fine to Andover Council from last year, however I do not own the car (my son) but is in my name. I've just a old letter from them.(son should have paid). ? can I pay the council £75 or Marston who want £339.04 and probably rising. any advice welcome
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