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Spud UK

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  1. Hi guys! Thanks for all the great advice. I'm going to drop by the Virgin Active gym on Friday after work, at 06:15 and ask a few questions. I'm not too worried about contracts as I simply don't need/want one and won't be swayed. A monthly fee will be fine - I might not even take to the gym... but thought I would give it a shot. One other question. I think there might be higher monthly fees if I wish to use the gym at 'peak' time, but can someone possibly tell me when peak times are when meaning gyms (I really wouldn't know but maybe guess 6am when people workout before setting off to work?) Thanks again for helping - I'll come back and let you know how I get on.
  2. Hello everyone I'm new here after discovering this website whilst searching the web about gym memberships. I'm thinking about joining out local Virgin Active in Leeds and could do with some general advice, pitfalls to avoid. I've never used a gym before, I know from reading about them that they can be quite expensive and some members of this forum have been having a few problems. There are probably cheaper options than using the Virgin Active gym but I really like the idea of finishing work at 6am and just chilling out in the spa - I mean running on the treadmill! I was thinking of just turning up one morning and asking about membership prices and taking a look around, would this be advisable? Thanks for taking time to help. Spud
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