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Everything posted by jessiesd

  1. I only want to pay then to get this off my back, I don't wish to receive any more letters ive tried uploading t yet it doesn't work, I can type it out if you like?
  2. Hi! Back again! So I've just revived my first letter off RLP and the letter is full of mumble jumble legal stuff which pretty much confused me so I thought I'd ask for help. So they have asked for a payment of £130.00 and have said its for waiting security time blah blah blah. But I've read on other people's letters that they sounded very demanding but on the one I have received it doesn't appear to be too demanding, so I'm still wondering whether to ignore them or just pay up? And help please?
  3. Yes I have been reading everything on here but as I was talking to someone with experience in how to handle this situation I was asking again to make sure that not replying to them is the best thing to do seen as it will mean letters after letters being handed through my door for at least an 18 month period demanding large sums of money that is not necessary so yes I will ask the question about what to do repeatedly. Apologies.
  4. I see and is it worth writing to them stating this or just not have any contact with them as by the sounds of them it sounds like they would class that as an abusive letter toward then, basing this on what has happened to other people. So is it best to have no contact with them?
  5. So are you saying that RLP have no right to so called fine me and that they have no legal right and technically if primark wanted to get me done for what happened then they should have immediately phoned the police and a fixed penalty notice in the first place rather than using a pathetic company such as RLP
  6. Right okay I see, I don't suppose you could explain to me what the DCA is please an what it is exactly that they say that they will do? And what is OFT??
  7. What did you do when they threatened to call bailiffs to your house?
  8. So send one letter when I receive the first one with what you said and then completely ignore them and then when I start receiving letters off this "Scottcall" then what am I to do? Reply to them or ignore them too? Also because the police weren't involved in the incident and on other people's cases I have read that the police were called an then paid a fixed penalty notice then received a letter from RLP, so because I haven't had the police involved at all does this mean that they will not be involved because if primark wanted it to go to the police then they would have done so straight away or will RLP be able to phone the police?
  9. Okay thanks for all the advice. Also would it be a good idea to write them a letter back stating that I won't be paying and that they have no legal right to charge me as the goods were not damaged or shall I just ignore all letters and pay no attention and hope that they stop pestering me
  10. Thank you for that, I was worried so badly that the envelope would be splattered in RLP ect and that would be rather embarrassing. So you've ignored them and not paid and only now after 18months have you stopped receiving letters?
  11. So definitely don't pay them? I'm worried that if I don't then I will get threatened with being taken to court and I've read that they also threaten that bailiffs will come round to my house? Is this true? And no I haven't given any of my phone numbers they just no my address as it was passed over.
  12. okay thank you for the advice! right okay I see, I was hoping that there would be no clear signs on the envelope that would show that it was from RLP but was extremely worried about it being splattered all over it and then my mom picking up the post and seeing it and then going mental and finding out but like you said letters should be plain with name and address on so I hope that this one is the same!
  13. okay I see so what your saying Is that if I don't pay them then they will continue to send follow up letters and if I pay them the fin with in the 21 days then that will be the end of it and this whole ordeal will be over with/ but by paying that would mean that I would be giving in to the bulling
  14. okay thank you very much! see the thing is I do wish to completely keep this from my mother as she will kick me out of my house, so If I was to receive the first letter off them then write one back with what you just said would they then stop writing to me or would the letters keep coming. I really need to keep this from my mother as she would go mental at me for good reasons which is why I was originally going to just pay them the money to keep them off my back and keep this all from my mother. do you now if the letters are obvious as to who they are from?
  15. I need some advice on what to do about my current situation. On Thursday I was caught walking out of a Primark store with some items with a total value of £22. I know fully how wrong my actions were and am disgusted in myself at was has happened so please I'm just asking for some advice not judgement on my stupid mistakes. I was taken in by the security guards at Primark and because in 9 days I am going to be turning 18 the female security guard said that she wasn't going to be phoning the police as I had my provisional driving license on me so she just took my details down, at this point I began to cry and she said to me that there was nothing to worry about and that all she was going to do was ban me from the store for a 12 month period and that I would be fined by a company called RLP, she said that there would be no police involvement and that I would not receive a criminal record. I was then allowed to leave the store. Whilst I was in there she mentioned about the fine and said she didn't know how much the fine would be and that I would have to pay it with in a certain amount of days, and she gave me a piece of paper with a number to phone to arrange to pay the fine in instalments. Up until now I have been fine with the fact that I will have to pay the fine to RLP to get this over and done with. however since Thursday I have been researching more in to RLP and what other people have had to say about them and now I am wondering whether I should still pay them the fine or not, as I've read a lot about people saying that they have no right as such to demand large sums of money from people?. I am still awaiting the letter from them and to be quite honest, I am dreading receiving it as I am not planning on telling my mother about this situation so am scared that the letter will come through the post and it will be obvious to her from the outside of the letter and if I continue to ignore their demands then I will get more and more letters come through, has anyone received a letter that knows what it looks like? It would be most appreciated if someone could help me and give me advice on what to do in my current situation then that would be most appreciated!!
  16. I'm having the same trouble at the moment as I am awaiting a letter from RLP and am unsure of what to do about it when it does come. I've spent the past two days searching and reading all about RLP and everywhere is just saying to ignore it and that they cannot do anything about it and now I that I've read this and seen that you have chosen the option to ignore it all and not pay for it that im curious as to how this has worked out for you and if they are still pestering you about it?
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