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  1. Thanks dx. The letter i have is from my accountancy firm and it has my name and address on it. Its all i have. Im staying with my GF (private let) at the moment and im not registered here or on bills, its just temporary as im in the process of finding my own place to rent.
  2. thanks to everyone for their help, i just paid the £166 as i could see no way out and only things costing more if i got a lawyer or did not pay it.
  3. I have not asked, im more concerned with stopping this from happening and them taking my money. Then see what it is that im meant to have done and what evidence they have. Are you on drugs?
  4. I would assumed they have sent official documents, i just called them letters and they did too. They have my correct address. They are saying they sent these letters to me and as they were not returned then i must have received them. Im in a semi detached house and my postcode covers many houses on this street. Just the number thats sets them apart. Ok many thanks for the info, my problem is very soon they are going to arrest my wages, or benefits, so they will take their money and at the same time add more fees to to it. This is unstoppable no matter what i do. Its like this is going to happen anyway and im left fighting a losing battle afterwards, still lost the money, still wont get it back unless i get a lawyer it seems. ALso i have major anger problems and this will just cause me so much stress, its not worth £166. Some things dont bother me but this is one of those things that will eat away at me. so its pay the £166 and then fight it, probably wasting my time or let them take it from my wages Plus even more fees, then fight it, probably wasting my time. i know i sound negative but you just need to read some of the people who have had no luck fighting these fines ie the women who had to move into a bus lane to let a fire engine past and they never budged on that one. They have a zero tolerance policy.
  5. they sent letters, GCC said they have an arrangement with the royal mail that any undelivered mail gets returned to them, so they just assume that as no mail was returned to them then i must have received them. SO they have no proof, i have no proof i did not receive them, they dont care. The sheriff officers had my address right. They are sating they sent out 2 letters, i assume which was the original fine and then a higher fine for not paying. I have had mail gone missing in the past, not a lot but a few low value items off ebay have disappeared in the past. They are using an unreliable postal service with no proof i get these letters delivered. I also told them this. They are not interested. Basically there is no way back when it gets to this stage.
  6. Many thanks for that link. They dont have my work details, but im sure just like the other bullies like the csa they can easily find out who pays your wages and your tax credits and take what they want from that. If i dont pay this ill get more charges on top. I called the sheriff officers today, tried to offer just paying the £90 fine part and argued how unfair it was. They dont care and dont listen and its not set up to cater for any mistakes that may have been made. Their line is that no mail was returned to them so they have to 'assume' that the letters from GCC were delivered. So im being bullied all the way into paying this absurd amount for something i knew nothing about till a few days ago. If i dont pay, ill just get hit with more charges and have to pay it in the end as these useless b######s are not interested,they have it set up in a way they will get you eventually and you will just have to pay more. This should be illegal. These people deserve their offices to be blown up but im not that kind of person:-):-) (joke) Edit - this has taught me a lesson, add legal protection to your home insurance. Then next time i dont have to worry about the cost if i want to fight back against these bullies.
  7. THIS IS INFURIATING i called them today and i have been told they sent 2 letters out blah blah. I told them i did not receive any letters and i have a bill here for £166 that im expected to pay. I was told there is nothing anyone can do at this stage so im basically stuffed. I asked the girl if its a case of having to pay the £166 charge or go to a lawyer. She has said yes. I cant believe im being put through this. I have to either pay this stupid amount of money or go and see a lawyer which will cost me an even more stupid amount of money. Is there anywhere i can go for help on this that wont charge me. Like is there any point going to the citizens advice bureau. These people obviously have no proof that i have received any letters yet are quite happy to bully me into paying something like this. If i dont pay this £165 they can arrest my wages etc
  8. Im off tomorrow morning so ill give them a call. I will need to see what they say about this. After reading a lot about these fines, it seems people are fighting a losing battle with these (beeeeeeeeeeeep) . My 'story' will just fall on deaf ears. I was hoping to have some back up as in how to handle it.
  9. Recently sheriff officers turned up at my door and issued a CHARGE FOR PAYMENT for £165. It says nothing on the document about what its for so i was a bit worried, but it says glasgow city council against me, so i thought it was maybe a parking fine or something. I phoned up the sheriff officers office, told them i knew nothing about this and asked whats its for, she said it was for a bus lane fine . I told her i had no previous correspondence from glasgow city council, so she gave me their number and told me i had to take the matter up with them. Whats the best thing i can do, is there any way to appeal this. It seems a bit extreme to be issued with a charge for £165 for something i know nothing about. I know i could go to a lawyer but in turn that would probably cost me a lot more. Any advice guys.
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