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Everything posted by Ombra4532

  1. If you have a house or any property on your name they already know, there is a search system through the land registry. if the claimant does not know you will be questioned by the judge in court and you have to be honest or face prison if you lie and hide assets. Do not take courts and judges lightly. I hope all goes well for you.
  2. hi I am not expert but it feels that you have ignored the claimant letters and claims. If you had negotiated with them they would give you the chance to negotiate a minimum amount to pay each month. This has lead to the claimant becoming very annoyed and making court orders to verify your financial situation. These companies only spend money if there are money to make therefore they have proves that you have assets they can claim on. at this stage is up to the judge decision when your case goes to court based on the claimant request. suggest you try to arrange monthly payment to repay the debts. If the amount you owe is more than 5 thousands they will bankrupt you and take your assets whether in dispute or not, your claimant will be patient they have done their search on your assets. If you go to court very likely you loose and have to pay costs thousands!! best to make contact with the claimant and negotiate. Judges are never emotional about people that ignores their responsibilities. hope I have not upset but there is no way out but negotiate.
  3. Yes you can issue a new claim in the name person, it would be considered by the court as a different case. I am aware that the police is not interested in this cases but in fact this is fraud and it is a criminal matter but the police is not interested unless in a large scale. The chances to recover the money even from sole traders are not so high, the only possibility would be if the person owes any property in which case you can apply for bankrupt if he/she will not pay. But unfortunately at a substantial cost unless you have a legal house insurance which will cover you claim. hope it help
  4. I bought a birds cage from Amazon through a company called Mail Order Online LTD. The advert said that the cage was made of solid wood but in fact is merely pressed onion skin therefore it does not correspond to the advert description, it is also not fit for purpose as my birds would eat his way through it in few days as it is so flimsy. I have been asked to return the cage at my expenses at the cost of £40/50 pounds and the company refuses to reimburse me the cost I will incur although it is their fault. Am I supposed to put up with this or there is a way to make them pay for my cost. Who is responsible Amazon or the company mail order ltd? Thank you for any help:mad2:
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