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  1. Hi, The Claim was for around £2000. Thanks for the link, but I am not wanting to take this to small claims as the tribunal (to my knowledge) is a formal judgement by a judge and therefore is a valid to use in debt recovery. Ideally what I want to do is put this judgement straight to a recovery agent (such as a high court sheriff via a writ) and collect this way. Does this help clarify? Thanks
  2. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could give me some simple basic step by step advice on debt recovery in SCOTLAND. I have researched English recovery but scotland court system is more complicated. My situation is that I want to recover wages owed ASAP from an employer. I am taking them to an Employment tribunal and I should win. Lets assume I win for this case. What would be my steps to recover as I know they wont pay as have tried everything to not do so, so far. I am thinking of just sending it straight away to high court writ and comparable sheriff recovery from her assets. So my questions are... 1) What is quickest way to recover. 2) what bodies to go to for this and rough costs if you know. Thanks
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