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Everything posted by LyricalWarrior

  1. Thank you. Well there's no need to be rude, I was only asking a question.
  2. I'm asking this out of curiosity... What happens to a new claim and medical results if you're last appeal is set aside and you go on to win it, please? It's all very confusing.
  3. Sorry for the late reply, I've been sorting all of this out for months. I found out from my MP that the Tribunal Service had the wrong address on file. I don't know why, especially as I had contacted them prior to this happening. Anyway, I'm still waiting on an outcome.
  4. On the subject of the enquiry form, I didn't receive anything like that and it looks like the people who are representing me didn't either. Although it states on my appeal form, after it was hear, that contact was made and I haven't been involved in this appeal process since last year when my money was first stopped, despite having phoned the DWP multiple times and not receiving any forms to make contact with them. It is all very confusing.
  5. Thank you for all of the information you provided. I contacted the Tribunals Service and sent a letter to them requesting a set aside, I have also found out that the advisor at the Worker's Rights centre has sent a letter as well. Although she has been very irritable with me, I'm not sure why, I've heard her mutter under her breath to other people about me. Once this is sorted, I will try and see another person regarding this as I've found her whole approach to be unprofessional. I do feel let down with it, you are right. I have obtained copies of the forms I didn't receive and my MP is also getting involved. I had to make a new claim last week and obtain a new medical note, but I haven't heard anything back from the DWP yet regarding getting some money. I still have no money to my name.
  6. I have had to file a new claim, as I don't have any money at the moment and being genuinely unwell, I do rely on the help they're supposed to give people who are entitled to it. As far as I am aware of, I only signed for them to receive copies of the paperwork that I was supposed to be sent. I didn't receive any forms from the tribunal people, but when I visited Worker's Rights, they had copies of everything. Stuff that I'd never even seen before. I don't have any paperwork from them, only a letter from the DWP telling me a tribunal has already gone ahead and decided against me. The letter I received from the DWP was dated from the 7th of this month, but I only received it yesterday. The tribunal was heard on the 13th of last month. It's all just very baffling and is upsetting me more and more. The decision has been made at tribunal and went in the DWP's favour. I haven't received any paperwork, despite constantly phoning them to ask when my tribunal was. They told me it wasn't yet, then I get a letter (my first in months) to tell me that my money has been stopped because the tribunal has already happened. I haven't received any letters from the tribunal people, so I had no idea that a tribunal was even taking place yet. I attended Worker's Rights to find out that they had copies of everything that I should have received. The person that dealt with me didn't seem to know what to do with me. The majority of the letters she has in that file I have never seen before, so I was very confused how all of this could have happened. I am writing to the tribunal people, but as I said earlier the letter that said my money has been cancelled is dated as the 7th of this month, yet I received it yesterday. The letter at the Worker's Rights place said that my tribunal was on the 13th of last month. This all seems to have been mishandled somewhere without my knowledge. Yesterdays letters were the first I have received in months, despite me contacting them to ask them what's going on.
  7. That is exactly what I'm saying. That is exactly it, the people who helped me fill in the forms had all of the letters that I should have received, but didn't. I saw Worker's Rights who are usually pretty good with these kind of things, but when I explained to the woman what happened, she didn't look that bothered. It was a revelation to see all of the paper work that I had not received. In fact, it just made me angrier and even more upset about the situation.
  8. Hi, I'm new to the forum, but have been reading a few posts on here and finally decided to see if anyone can help me with the issue I am facing right now. I attended my second ATOS medical last year after winning my last appeal, knowing that I'd done everything I could, I knew (like the time before) that the person assessing my illness had it in for me from the start of the interview. She hardly spoke to me, never looked at me and didn't pay attention to the fact that I was shaking within the interview. Needless to say, I appealed the decision like I did the last time and knew that it was going to be a long wait. Oh, this was just before Christmas as well. So I had no money whatsoever over the Christmas period and had to wait roughly six or so weeks to receive something after they had processed my appeal. Anyway onto my appeal, I waited and waited for a letter to arrive to tell me when my hearing was going to be, even phoning them a couple of times to ask if they had any idea of when I should hear something back. I was fobbed off continuously and told that it could take anything up to a year, I already knew this from before. So I waited for a letter to arrive, fast forward a couple of weeks or so since I phoned them to ask when my appeal was going to be and I receive three of the notorious brown envelopes in the post. I open them to find out that not only has my tribunal been heard without me knowing, they have stopped my benefits, which I rely on by being unwell. I hadn't received any letters from them regarding my tribunal, so I had absolutely NO idea when the tribunal was taking place. I did receive some help filling in some papers after my money was stopped before Christmas, so the people who helped me received copies of the letters for the tribunal, but I hadn't seen any of these letters that they had filed when I saw them yesterday to discuss why my benefits had been cancelled. The first time I saw said letters were when the worker pulled them from their file. I was shocked. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do please? As you can understand, I am desperate right now, I have no money whatsoever and bills to pay through having hardly any funds for months. I've been in tears for most of the day.
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