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Everything posted by graciexo

  1. Just re-read the letter they sent, I just threw it and called them when I first got it, I was so shocked! Apparently, It is how long I have been driving. I have been driving for a Year today (woohoo!), however when applying online they had no option for under a year, so i imagined that when I put 1year, they then when they checked my details would have seen, and they did call back after i applied asking to confirm some information. So as far as i know they KNOW when i applied I had been driving around 8-9months...
  2. @Jam_Buttie I don't know, they asked for a photo copy of my counter - part license a few weeks a go and so I guess something to do with that?...
  3. Hi there. I renewed my car Insurance in March, I was origionally with Admiral in the first place however as a named driver as the car did not belong to me it belonged to my mother, and she drove it more. I applied for Insurance on my own car In March when the previous expired, with Admiral again as we were quoted just under £1000, which I paid in full. However, four months on and they are asking for over £400 more, as they have 'got my details wrong', I on the other hand know that my details are completely correct... And I am incredibly worried about paying this extra £400.. as they were the lowest quote we could find, and now, at £1400 (what they are asking), they deffinately are not. Is this a common thing? Will I have to pay? Is there anything I can do? I just don't feel this is right, i agreed to their quote of my car insurance as X, I paid X in full and now they are asking for more? Any help is greatly appreciated
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