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Everything posted by alanalan864

  1. Thank you 'all' for your comments. I have booked another appointment with the doctor, with a view to another referral to a phisio, hopefully this with lead to a scan of some sort. Thank you 'Think about it', for your input. You have my sympathy for your situation. My wife was on a NHS waiting list for a discectomy back in 2012. Back then she could hardly walk, due to the pain, and was on strong Morphine for ages. Due to the extremely long waiting list, we had to go private, [fortunately compensation from the accident, paid the £5,000 cost of the op]. Ironically the same Surgeon performed the same op, but almost immediately. He confirmed after the op, they only just caught it in time. I hope all goes well for you, and you don't have to wait too long. Alan
  2. A few years back I had a serious Road Traffic Accident. Unable to work since. I'm 57, and now have severe osteoarthritis in my lower back, legs, etc., a right arm which has severe limitations, and a mental condition causing a lot of stress. After a recent move to another area, I visited my new Doctor, as the condition of my back seems to be getting worse, needing more and more pain relief. I asked for another scan on my back, as a previous scan showed bulging of the lumber discs. I wanted to know if this bulging was getting worse What he said to me next came as a surprise. He asked me what I expect it to reveal, and what difference it would make in knowing, he went on to say spending £250 on a scan would be a waste of money, money better spent on people with cataracts or similar. I was shocked at this and came away feeling the doctors have given up on me.
  3. Thanks Stu007. I've already made a formal complaint to the HA of the area I'm trying to move to, over other information I have received previously which has proved incorrect, they have agreed to look at my earlier application again. Regarding the quotes made by my current HA I will be following up on those as well as the other suggestions you made. I've already got a Social Services report of our medical needs and personal circumstances, Occupation Therapy letter as well, which, as you say should be useful. The Equality Policy has some interesting stuff, as does the Homelessness Policy. Thanks again
  4. Thank you all for your replies. very useful info. Legalistic. I've already checked out the Shelter site they were very helpful, and I found this item: "Social Housing Policies. in certain areas of the country social housing allocation policies have changed dramatically. More and more local authorities are choosing to move away from prioritising those in greatest housing need, instead giving more weight to applicants who are in work or who have lived in the area for a long time". It went on to say, "while those who are in work should be rewarded, it's important not to penalise those who cannot find employment or are unable to work. Social housing was created to provide a stable form of housing for those in need. Moving the priority away from these groups to favour those in work undermines the very purpose of social housing".
  5. Your right 45002, on the face of it we would be mad to give up a perfectly good HA property, but circumstances are such that at some point in the near future we will have to re-locate nearer to our extended family for health and support. We would obviously prefer a HA property and only go the private route if we have absolutely no alternative. The quotes from the HA have really got my back up. My recent experiences with Estate Agents and their flat refusal to even entertain anyone on DSS, let alone give me the opportunity to explain my circumstances has also got my back up. We will stay put for now, but keep looking. I would love to complain to HA's head office, but am reluctant to jeopardise an otherwise good relationship we currently have with them, on something I can't prove.
  6. Thanks for that Mariner51 Will bear that in mind, and persevere. No, wife is not in employment, she has her own health issues. Thanks again.
  7. My wife and I are mid fifties, currently in social housing, trying to relocate due to health and family reasons. we are unable to move to another social housing property/area other than via a mutual exchange, (which is proving impossible), as "housing associations will only allocate newly vacated properties to working tenants as is now government policy". ( a quote from a housing association employee ). They see people on benefits as unacceptable tenants and "a source of anti-social behaviour". ( another quote from the same housing association employee ). We are unable to rent privately as estate/letting agents will also not accept tenants who are on benefits. (No DSS), probably for the same reasons, though I can't prove it. I'm on benefits due to disability, claiming. ESA and PIP due to physical and mental health issues. Not sure what options are now available.
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