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Everything posted by tezza1234

  1. I wouldn't mention a dead cert day of leaving, just incase for whatever reason you can't leave then, saying that, if you didn't leave then, they would just have to issue a s21 anyway. And yes, potentially they could, in the eyes of the law, mould is not a valid reason to withhold rent, it all depends what sort of people they are, you know them better than any of us do, as I have said over and over again, YOU put YOURSELF in the best position you can, they may be decent, but they may not.
  2. If your deposit is not protected you could use this in many ways to help you, I am not one for bribery but, you could get your LL in huge trouble if its not protected, like I said earlier, whatever path you choose and whatever you do, cover yourself and look after number 1 as I am sure your LL will if push comes to shove.
  3. wait wait wait hold up a minute, so you don't actually know for sure that your deposit is with the DPS, The thing is its DPS who send YOU the confirmation, not the LL or agent, so if DPS have never sent you anything I would be concerned and wonder why, its an offence not to have the deposit listed with one of the 3-4 holding companies.
  4. that seems fair enough to me, of course they will probably try and argue it because most LL and agents are greedy, and no leave it in, you are at a right funny point in the year wherby next years council tax will come into effect from the start of April, so if you can be gone by then and prove it, it will avoid any issues with regards to them trying to screw you for next years council tax, I must sound so cynical lol, I only know because it happened to me, I was done for a whole years council tax on a previous address even though I was only there 6 months, by the time I knew anything had happened it had gone through the courts and a bailiff was knocking on my new address demanding over £1000, took me years to recover financially from it.
  5. You need to decide what is best for you eg you play ball to their requirements and hope they don't screw you as in they try and claim breach of contract or withholding/dispute of deposit, or you take control and say look, If you can't shorten the contract length this is what will happen, issue s21, keep deposit, ill withhold rent and aim to be gone in a month or so bla bla bla, do not get involved in telephone conversations unless you can clearly record it and do not come to a split which could still leave you open to be screwed over, you need to think about you. But yes, even if you say look, issue a s21, they can't legally just turn up kick you out and change the locks, any visits need to be agreed in writing, there is a legal path they have to follow. You could point out that look, you are reasonable and will go quickly, but you could, if you wanted, drag it out for months.
  6. You would think, and the DPS and others are supposed to be impartial, but id not risk it myself, id say look, keep the deposit, give me a month to move out unless you will agree a shorter tenancy as 12 months is to long, if not then tell them they will have to follow legal recourse and issue a s21 notice, a s21 is just the very start of the process, you can leave when you see fit, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, totally up to you, but everything needs to be in writing to your satisfaction.
  7. You need anything and everything in writing, some may disagree here but from my experience you have to assume that most LL will look to find ways of keeping your deposit via any means possible eg a stain on the floor, broken tiles, breach of contract etc..... so all i am saying is you cover yourself, if you are willing to accept that you will lose the deposit, stay there, pay no more rent and force them to evict you, the eviction process can take 2-5 months which gives you that time to save and find somewhere else.
  8. You could pay another months rent and then move out I guess, but also, would this be seen as you accepting the new 12 month tenancy, Also, if you do pay another month and leave, are you confident you will get your deposit back, do you trust them. I would be inclined to not pay the rent, save it, and force them to issue a S21 notice, yes this would been seen as you being awkward, but also perfectly legal, it would also certainly mean you lose your deposit but then you save the rent so you personally are not really worse off, it seems they have been awkward so i know what id do.
  9. I don't use the vehicle for work only, I do a split, and told them this, I claim a % of the tax, insurance etc... for business and the rest is disregarded as personal, a large proportion of my work is travel so keeping mileage records is quite easy, as for invoices, I can send them, but generally just input the figures.
  10. I am surprised they gave in to you so quick and easily, I wish they did the same for me, could do with the remaining £150 odd quid being written off lol
  11. I also had a loan from Safety Net Credit, a limit of £140, got in to difficulty after 6 months or so, changed passwords and changed banks, they never added extra fees or extra interest, amount outstanding was £184 so £44 worth of interest charges in 6 months, I am now paying off by standing order at £10 per month. Interestingly this came up on my credit report as a 'credit card' which I thought was odd.
  12. Heya, I guess every council works differently to a point, Why will you not be claiming maintenance or insurance if you are using your car for business use, id be ****ed if the car broke on a business job and didn't claim it back somewhere along the line.
  13. Just as an afterthought having read this thread, your employer sounds nasty, how on earth have you not cracked, is it worth exploring the option of leaving and then claiming constructive dismissal, I am sure you will have a good case, but as others have said, keep a diary of everything, the fact you have calls recorded is great also. You need to be aware of everything they might try and do to screw you over and counter it, or have proof of it, document, copy, record, log everything you see as relevant, even if small.
  14. So the council is entitled to make assumptions on something that has not happened yet and something I can't disprove until it has happened, do you realize how daft that sounds, so the council can 'assume' I am going to earn enough to not be entitled to any help, so I would have to get in to 12 months of rent arrears to claim it back and disprove them, I don't know many LL what would allow that.
  15. I think i am voting out, why, because i don't think we need it, USA, China, Australia and countless others do just fine without being a part of it, and costing more than 63 million £ a day to be told what we can and can't do by the germans and others....i think not, our country, our boarders, our people, lets take control back and start making this country great again for the future generation. As for the military aspect of it, we go hand in hand with the US, they help us, we help them between us we are a military powerhouse.
  16. Sorry but I disagree and feel you are wrong, I know I have read/heard about it somewhere before.
  17. Hold on a minute, if his ex is with a new partner and they both jointly look after this child and you/your partner do not get to see the child then the ex new partner becomes financially responsible for the child, not you. I get that morally maybe you want to and feel you should but I am pretty sure you don't have to if she has a new fella, he takes her and the child on.
  18. The thing with it all is I was actually really honest, maybe to honest, and I didn't even claim for everything I could have and realize now I should have, the have used the info I have given, and twisted it to suit themselves and award me less, now I deal all the time with DWP, HMRC, HA and never any problems but when it comes to my LC it is always the same, problem after problem and you can never phone up and speak to anyone, they all hide behind a computer. Here is the level of there intelligence, My business name in part is also the area I cover, and they phoned me to ask what area I cover, I mean really, are they really that thick. I think I shall have to swallow the £350 this year and not make the same mistake again next year.
  19. 38,000 miles are you serious, even if most actual makers say 60-80k miles, drives belts maybe but not cambelts, 38k is madness and often driven within 3 years or 36 months.
  20. I believe the OP said in an earlier post they had a bank account and credit card with the same provider and this debt is re. the credit card, so yes, same bank id assume.
  21. Hiya, yes I do keep records well of most things for HMRC accounting purposes, but not so much for the council purposes, and what you can claim from both is different, like mileage is 45p per mile on tax return (for first 10,000 miles) but council want actual real costs which will be a fair bit less, where I ballsed up on the council one was I didn't put anything for servicing costs or % of home used for business etc... why, because I thought I had enough play room so didn't need to, is it to late to change it now or just wait until next year and do it properly and not make the same mistake again, I get it is my own fault to a point, but I guess I just take my HMRC tax return more seriously than the council self employed form.
  22. Slight update to this, so the council dallied a bit, heard nothing, then chased up to find out they put my claim number in wrong hence the delay, anyway, have now just received the update and unsure what to do. Now, bare in mind I know I am entitle to full HB and CTC the way the council has 'fiddled' the info given for there own purposes they are trying to say that next year I will have to contribute an extra £350 odd, Ok so I know £350 is not a lot throughout the year in the grand scheme of things and I can afford to cover this BUT its the principle that matters, why should I pay this £350 just because some busy body can't do there job properly. If this had been anyone else id probably ignore it and not even mention it here but this Council have always been an awkward thorn in my side who are always looking at ways to screw you. Can you believe they have decided I did not pay enough council tax last year and have just billed me for £3.50 odd, really, I have every mind to go in and pay it in pennies, in fact, I might. So, what are my next steps, to pay the £350 throughout this year, learn from my mistake and next year claim anything and everything available (that I didn't do this year) or appeal, tribunal etc... which I don't really want to do, as knowing the council they would probably suspend any payments until the outcome of the appeal, and I can't afford to cover full rent and council tax while the appeal is in progress. Also, is this likely to be a mistake, but according to there paperwork they are saying the HA rent is going down £3 odd in April 2016, is this likely, ive heard of a freeze, and usually a increase by £5-£15 a year but ive never heard of a decrease, note this would not just be for me but a general decrease.
  23. Hi Matthew, sorry for your loss, just a thought but not one that I can see has been explored, you mentioned your mum left a will, in the will did it mention about leaving money to any charities/organisations of any amounts, don't forget the will is a legal document if done correctly, so if your mums wishes was for a set amount to be given to x charity, then that is that, its not you depriving yourself, it is acting on the will.
  24. Not for us as we didn't call to get the forms, I picked one up at local offices and sent in, anyways, have phoned up and turns out have been awarded MRC
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