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  1. A recent example of managerial unfairness: the early May bank holiday a duty manager asked for 1 of the 2 chefs to come onto shop floor as we was not busy and they needed help. Now rather then the manager send the boy he sent me! I asked why this was when I got back as I was a bit ratty, tiered and had hurt my back from the work I had done, and he said he couldnt do without a main cook when I said there are currently 2 cooks and no orders to be cooked so the need for 2 is ridiculous he had no comment. This is an example of when I have been selected to do a "rubbish" job over someone else even when someone else was asked for personally! Also that bank holiday I was on 1.5 x wage. I worked 6 hours that day at £7.21 (normal hourly rate) so surely the maths would be £7.21 x 1.5 = £10.815 x 6 = £64.89 and normal wage being £43.26 would have meant I earned £21.63 extra that day? my wage slip said £15.something!? is this a breach? or is my maths wrong?
  2. Hello I am starting a thread because I need all the advice I can get right now!!! Basically I have been working with my company for 2 yrs 4 months now , i am part time at 16 hrs a week. Basically issues begun late 2012, in August I had 2 weeks off with stress/depression. During 1 of these weeks I had a pre booked holiday, being company policy to allow you to retake any holiday (because you cannot be sick and on holiday rule), i thought i may be able to retake this , they said I was not allowed as I had not made them aware of when I was returning from work (tho my Drs note stated the from and too dates and i did telephone to let them know). Also, since January 2013 - now I have had continious pay mistakes/purposful errors? Basically missing 8hrs now but was up to 20 at one point. I have been written off work by my Dr for 3 weeks due to work stress where I explained I cannot cope working there anymore and how the stress of multiple things is now too much, Pay being 1 issue but along with that I have issues with: Poor management, Conflicting ideas, Too much work. Seems silly but I can literally wind my self up over how I have to do multiple things and other people do not. Its 1 of them situations where she has to do this but that person doesn't! I have asked to be moved to a different department due to me simply, hating it where i am, but heard nothing! Please advise me on what to do , thanks
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