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  1. Hi, I had my house repossessed a while ago after my relationship ended. The mortgage was originally just in my partners name but we remortgaged and my ex partners wage was just a little short so they put me on the mortgage also, I only earned £4000 at the time. I never helped with the mortgage payment as my income was so low. When my relationship ended I moved out. Not long after this my ex stopped paying the mortgage and the house was repossessed. My ex has now told the bank he has no way of paying so I am paying £20 a month. I have recently come into money and am worried that it will all be eaten up by the debt, do I have to pay the shortfall with my inheritance. The probate is not in my name but I am named as a beneficiary. I have tried to offer a lump sum to the mortgage company but they turned it down. Thanks in advance.
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