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Everything posted by ianbford

  1. About 5 years ago I lost my job and got behind with my mortgage. MAS No5 the mortgage provider went for eviction through the courts, but I managed to have the warrant suspended. I kept up the terms of the suspension and cleared all arrears, but the mortgage company refused to retract the eviction notice and said it would have to remain as suspended even though there no arrears. Question 1: Was that lawful? About 4.5 years ago we moved out of the property to move nearer to my new job which was 100 miles away with the intention of selling or renting the property. The market collapsed so we could not get a buyer above negative equity and as the house was empty longer it became damp to the point of being not fit to live in. During this period I have been trying to pay for this property plus the one that we live in now (rented), but it has been very difficult. The final stumbling block was last year when I had all of my wages taken from my bank by a PayDay Lender (despite not all being owed to them and me not giving them my bank details) which has been the catalyst for us falling 4 months behind. Last Saturday we were fortunate enough that after much hard work and travelling up and down to the property we have a tenant who has moved in. Despite numerous attempts to agree a payment plan MAS have refused and taken the suspended warrant back to court. We have been given an eviction date of 21.02.14, but due to having rented the property, my bonus at work due in March and an increase in salary as well as having cleared some other debts I am now in a position to clear the arrears by 31st March in full as well as reducing the arrears before the eviction date. Question 2: Can I get the warranty suspended till 31.03.14? Question 3: Once cleared can I get the suspension removed? Having been visited by bailifs yesterday for Council Tax arrears for the property of £2139 (the council have imposed a 150% council tax charge I am at my wits end and could do with some advice and do not want to go bankrupt etc just want to pay my debts so I am in a position in the near future to sell this house and buy one nearer my work.
  2. Hope you are not with Lloyds as all they gave me was call charges plus £30 and said I would have to go to the ombudsman for anything else. I have a Stat Demand against CFO which has expired but would cost me £1500 to £2000 to action so will have to go through basic court action. They did not even reply.
  3. Posted the Stat Demand to CFO Lending on 5th June 2013 Recorded Delivery. The tracking system is showing that the letter is still with Royal mail 7 days later, can only guess that CFO refused the recorded delivery knowing what it was as I had emailed them a copy 4th June. Do they have to accept the recorded delivery before the stat demand is considered served as I am determined to follow through with a winding up order if they don't pay up, if only for revenge for the hell they have put us through. Paid no bills this month as they took almost every penny of my monthly wages and no food money?
  4. Just raised the Stat Demand against CFO Lending Limited company reg 06736553 which will be sent registered post tomorrow, really need the money but almost feel as if the better outcome would be for them to ignore me for 3 weeks so I can actually invoke the winding up order, that would do everyone a favour.
  5. Thanks for the advice I have just drafted the letter for Lloyds TSB stating the complaint, my losses, my expectations from them and marking the letter as confirmation of my recorded verbal complaint and an official lba. I have given them 7 days to respond
  6. Found this on FCO website http://www.fca.org.uk/static/documents/fsa-your-rights-for-common-banking-problems.pdf States "Your bank must refund an unauthorised transaction. Money can only be taken from your account if you have authorised the transaction or if your bank can prove you were at fault" In my case I did not give the bank details to CFO they acquired them like a common thief, so will be pursuing this angle with the bank and as previously stated going for a winding up order against CFO.
  7. I will be doing the same but also considering a stat demand against CFO as they were not owed the money, if no response will follow up with a winding up order.
  8. Complete dead end bank not willing to do anything, guess where my wages will not be going next month or ever again.
  9. I am now on hold for complaints, just hoping by the time they sort it we still have a roof over our head.
  10. Money now showing on my statement but the fraud team passed me to unauthorised transactions (thought that was the same) who refuse to refund saying that I took a payday loan out with this company so they cant do a refund I have to resolve with the company. Every question I raise she just repeats the same statement over and over a talks over me. On hold for a manager as i type. Disgusted.Just had another text from cfo saying i had not paid the "agreement" so they are going to use my details to take the money. Not sure if they are trying to cover their tracks or just incompetent.
  11. No luck whatsoever. The money is still pending on my statement and they won't do anything till it has cleared. A bit like saying we can't stop the burglar till they have actually stolen your money and spent it. Absolute clowns. Banks have way too much power and just seem to think our money is theirs.
  12. On the phone again to Lloyds, escalated to a manager but they are still refusing point blank to refund until CFO have completed the transaction and it is on my statement. Issued an official complaint.
  13. I left Nationwide last year after decades with them because of the following incident; Went to a cash point and tried to withdraw £150, ATM crashed so I tried again same happened. Moved on to another ATM and it said no cash available. The machine had deducted £300 from my balance but gave me no cash. Took nearly a month to get the money back. Talk about sharp practice. It's as if it's their money just winds me up when they have caused much of the mess the country is in now.
  14. You mean the gesture of goodwill that really means we know we are wrong but by acting like this 9 times out of 10 we get away with it!
  15. The coincidence is that I have another Lloyds account where I normally have my wages paid into, but to use the cashpoint you can only use a Lloyds one, so it was only this month that I changed it to this account. Mad thing is I know what I should be doing as I work in a senior management position for a large corporation, but our finances have been a mess for a while as we own a house around 100 miles away that has been empty for 4 years and needs around £12k of work doing which we are trying to sort, but paying for that and the rented house we live in has killed us. Not this month though cant pay either unless the bank cough up and I am not sure they will. I have heard much of that advice all day from the Mrs although in fairness she has took it quite well.
  16. I have lodged a complaint and they were going to do the paperwork and call me back. Guess whay no call. I will submit a written complaint. Thank you for your advice in this matter. Oh and during these investigations found that Cash Genie have took £250 too, just got lost with the size of the CFO money. £1541.83 out of my wages in one day, who do they think I am a Bank Manager?
  17. Called Lloyds Fraud Department, gave them the crime number and big surprise they are still doing nothing.
  18. Thank you for the advice. Lloyds TSB have done nothing still claiming they have to wait for funds to leave my account instead of pending. I have lodged a case with action fraud will let you know what happens.
  19. To add insult to injury I have just had a text from CFO Lending "you have failed to honour your payment arrangement and CFO may now attempt to settle your loan. Call 0208 451382 now to make a minimum payment" I have called them twice as their office had already stated they had full payment of my account (and some) but the number just rings out then they hang up. Scrub the above just got through and was told I owed £959 and they could not explain why they had taken £1291.83 then starting waffling that was on a different system, which now showed the account was paid in full.
  20. I have spoken to the banks fraud department but they are saying there is nothing they can do till the payments have actually cleared, probably 2-3 days. I also spoke to Debit Card disputes who told me to call CFO who were about as helpful as a chocolate fire guard.
  21. I had a loan from CFO for £510 in 2012 and due to financial problems I have used a search engine to look for a small payday loan last month. This referred me to CFO Lending so I cancelled the application. My monthly wages went into the bank today and CFO Lending have taken 14 payments as follows; 1 x £510 1 x £249.90 7 x £42.84 5 x £46.41 Total = £1291.83 I never gave CFO Lending the bank details for this account but after a number of calls to Lloyds Bank (my bank) and being advised to call them was told they took the bank card details from this new application (which I did not make to them and did tick do not pass on my details). 1. CFO Lending have refused to refund any part of the monies taken without authorisation. 2. The bank are saying they cannot do anything until the funds have cleared next week (they are currently lodged for and pending) This means I have lost a day off work trying to sort this, we cannot pay any bills and have no food money this month. Anyone come across this and is there anything else I can do. Called bank, trading standards and FCA (got cut off from FCA though)
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