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  1. Thank you oleg, it was really kind of you to reply and citizenB - my thanks again
  2. I had a SD sent through the post to me by Capquest for a credit card I had with Cap1 a while a go. I didn't ask for it to be set aside because if I'm honest, I'm happy for them to make me bankrupt... it's been something I've been hoping will happen for a while now. The only reason I hadn't done it myself is because I could get the money together to do so! I own my home with my OH which is valued about £210K. Mtg is £190K, 1st+ is £62K, secured ccj's total about £40K so nothing of value there. OH works, I'm on DLA & ESA, 4 children still at home (3 of them dependent) with one registered as severely disabled. I have one account in my name that all the benefits are paid into and one jnt with OH where his salary goes and all our bills come out of. Any surplus from that account is usually put in mine to pay for food, clothes etc. I have a car that was brought with one of the children's savings plans - the receipt has their name on as well as mine. Will this be taken away even though I need it for my disabled son and for me to go anywhere as I'm unable to walk very far? It's worth about £2K. My question really is what happens now? The 21 day deadline was today so does that mean I will be made BR and if so when? Can they do it whenever they want now or do they have to do it within a certain number of days? Also, should I draw out the money in my account (£300 ish) and what happens to the joint account? Thanks for the help and I'm sorry if I'm sounding blasé about it but we've been fighting debts now for over 8 years, maintaining arrangements, providing regular financial statements, not getting anywhere etc so please don't think I'm not taking this seriously, I just need to make sure I know what's coming
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