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Posts posted by ctid1987

  1. I have applied for a position with British Gas.


    They asked if I had any CCJ's or IVA's against me within the past 6 yearsicon. I said no.


    However I have progressed a bit further now and have to fill in forms for a full check by Experian, and the question is now worded differently -


    Have you ever received any county courticon Judgments or Individual Voluntary Arrangements against you?


    My CCJ was over 6 years ago, and has dropped off of ALL of the credit reports I have paid for to check, so my question is - Do I have to tick yes?


    Thanks in Advance.



  2. I have applied for a position with British Gas.


    They asked if I had any CCJ's or IVA's against me within the past 6 years. I said no.


    However I have progressed a bit further now and have to fill in forms for a full check by Experian, and the question is now worded differently -


    Have you ever received any County Court Judgments or Individual Voluntary Arrangements against you?


    My CCJ was over 6 years ago, and has dropped off of ALL of the credit reports I have paid for to check, so my question is - Do I have to tick yes?


    Thanks in Advance.



  3. Long story short -


    Apart from the company evading tax by telling staff they are paying a cash 'after tax' figure, none of the staff including my father ever received payslips. And the P45 he received indicated a lower amount than what I was paid.


    His new Manager was taking over, which was the owners son. He told my father to not come into work a few weeks ago, and would talk to him the following monday as he felt that my fathers heart wasn't in it anymore, and accused him at the same time of passing work over to another rival company.


    My father went in but recorded the conversation, and was told he was letting him go. The new manager felt that my Fathers heart wasn't with the company anymore, he had handed work over to another rival taxi company, and he was caught smoking inside the premises.


    - My father only ever phoned another firm to hand work over when he didn't have enough cars on a nightshift to cover the bookings he had.

    - My father did get caught smoking in the office, but everyone smokes including the drivers and two owners. He supposedly got a verbal warning for this. However, no written warnings were ever issued!


    Despite my Father being a Taxi Controller there for over 7 years, and a driver previously for 7 years - meaning nearly 15 years of service to the company.


    I have 3 main gripes:


    - No Payslips ever given.

    - P45 indicating less earned than what I was paid, suggesting possible tax evasion.

    - Unfair dismissal. I feel he was dismissed because he was infact one of the highest paid controllers, on nearly £100 a week more than others, and they wanted rid.


    However, they did not follow procedure. I was very rarely ill. Never had days off. And they sack me on the spot for pretty much no reason, with no verbal or written warnings!?


    Does anyone know where we stand with this? We have recordings of the conversations etc.


    Thanks in advance,


  4. Thanks for your help theoldrouge.


    The problem I face here is the person I swapped the car with (who I have all details of with receipt) was not the registered keeper on the V5C. I have a saved log of all of the convo's on the Swapz website regarding the swap, plus correspondence in text from my phone.


    The car has also changed hands a number of times since the finance was taken out from what the guy at the HPI place told me...


    Jun 2013 - Finance taken out.

    Nov 2013 - Change of keeper.

    May 2014 - Change of keeper.

    circa July 2014 - The guy I swapped with got the vehicle but didn't change log book over.

    August 2014 - Change of keeper to myself.




    I'll get that form sent off to the DVLA asap, thanks for that.

  5. hp, santander are the vehicles owners


    But according to Section 27 I now hold good title to it as I was unaware of the HP or Conditional Sale before the Swap/Sale.


    Thanks for your help on this - quite a worrying thing to ponder over at the moment the fact that they could just come and try to repossess a car that owes me a good few grand - as I am not in any position to lose even £100 at the moment!!


    What's my next port of call, hang on for the questionnaire they are supposedly sending me?

  6. Great, they wont divulge information with me at all, just admitted there is finance outstanding...


    They have told me they will send a questionnaire out in the post to me for me to fill out and send back. (I gave them my fathers address to bide time)


    But they WONT tell me the type or amount of finance outstanding.


    What do I do next? I really need to find out the type of finance, do you know how I can go about obtaining this info?

  7. Ok, thanks for the replies.


    Yes Santander is what I was told - phone number is 0844 335 1572, but they are now closed; only open monday-fri 9am-5pm.


    From what the guy at the HPI place said the problem here is that Santander will only want to discuss the account with the person who owes money. Then again, in their eyes - I am the registered owner so really they want to discuss it with me as I have 'their' car! haha.


    I will phone them monday, but need to know the best way to go about it - should I phone and pretend to be a potential buyer, or shall I be honest and say I've just bought it but try to give as little info as possible? Any pointers please?

  8. Hello again!


    I'm back with more issues again! haha.


    I swapped a 2006 BMW 330d that was a little worse for wear for a 2007 Seat Leon FR, using a website called Swapz.


    I obviously HPI'd it before hand and all come back clear, and as the cars where worth a similar value, and the BMW needed a little mechanical work I thought I got a good deal...


    Until someone messaged me on Facebook saying they had seen my car on a Seat Leon Page I had posted on, and they where going to swap for it but didn't as it had outstanding finance... I was quite blunt with them thinking they where taking the mick and said I'd HPI'd it and that all was fine. I even copied a screenshot of the Clear HPI into the conversation, and it was then I realised it didn't show finance details!!


    I then paid for a premium check with a different company, and sure enough it showed that it might have outstanding finance as the plate had been changed (it has a private one on it now)


    The chap who informed me was a motor trader who explained he had seen this before, and assumed it was a logbook loan. People take out logbook loans, then put the car on a private plate making it harder to trace before selling it on...


    Anyway... The HPI check I done told me to ring them for more info, so I did. The chap on the phone explained a little more, and then got in touch with the finance company to get some more info.


    It turns out the Company is Santander - and that the best advice is to go back to the person I got the car from, which isn't possible (he wasn't actually registered keeper on V5 as hadn't had it long!!)

    The Finance was taken out in July 2013, and I am the 3rd owner since then!!


    So, now what?


    The V5 is currently with DVLA, and the car will be registered to me at my home address any day now. Santander will obviously come looking for it, but where do I stand legally?


    I suppose first port of call is to find out what type of finance is held against the car, and how much outstanding??


    Can anyone advise please?


    Thanks in advance,



  9. The story is as follows:


    3 weeks ago I went to look at a car for sale that was advertised on eBay. (which wasn't an auction, but a classified advert)

    I liked the car (a non runner by the way) and said to the bloke I would have it and paid a £250 deposit with the remaining £2,750 to be paid on collection once I had sorted out transport for the vehicle.


    However, this week my Mrs 2008 Golf has just packed up big time! I think the Mechatronics unit in the DSG gearbox has gone, and I'm looking at a £2000+ bill.


    I have text the bloke today apologising and explaining my situation and asked for my money back and he has refused. I said I would ring him later today.

    He said as stated in the eBay ad it was non refundable. However, on my receipt that he printed out it says nothing at all apart from remaining balance to be paid, and there was no mention of anything being non refundable between the two of us while discussing terms.


    What are my rights, and what is the best way to go about this? I still need to phone him, but don't want to say the wrong thing.


    Thanks, Tony.

  10. Note, that I have an active thread at the moment on a similar issue (though the agent I am dealing with is orders of magnitude more dodgy IMO) where I expect to be helping someone retrieve withheld funds. I expect to be updating it in the near future.




    Well, looks like I either put up or shut up now! :madgrin:


    I sent a strongly worded letter based around what you put above Steve, and they replied basically telling me to Eff Off, they have spoken to their solicitors and that if I take them to small claims, they will put in a counter claim to recover any fees.



  11. Okay, So original paperwork is as per the attachment. Definitely no date on it.


    Obviously a copy so may be computer error?


    But from the last letter from HSBC it says -


    "DN was issued on 22 september 2009 followed by a Final Demand Notice dated 16 October 2009.

    Please note, the letters issued are a legal requirement and the purpose of the documents is to advise you of the status of your account and the Bank's further intentions."


    Which is what you have listed above.

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