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  1. Thanks. I think that is what he wants one month fees in lieu of notice. But I just thought I might have a stand as we agreed something verbally contrary to what was in the agreement. You do wonder the point in signature areas on contracts if you don't actually need to sign them! Also he entered the lessons without me signing up...maybe he's a bit at fault too.
  2. Appreciate the reply; yeah I was thinking that but when I got the snotty letter from his solicitor, I wanted to know where I stood legally because I didn't agree to the written contract that's why I didn't sign it. So it's a bit annoying him trying to enforce an unsigned agreement.
  3. Wonder if anyone out there can help. I starting having guitar lessons towards the end of last year. The agreement handed to me wasn't to my satisfaction. I didn't like fact there wasn't enough flexibility, also the notice period. I raised this with the tutor he said that was ok he can be flexible, so we confirmed time and day of my lessons and cost and I started the lessons. A couple of months in he put the price up, but I didn't really have a problem with that. However about 6/7 months into lessons due to unplanned work situation. I had to temporarily move away immediately. I let my tutor know at the end of the term, that I wouldn't be coming back next term. He said I would have to pay the fees anyway, as I'm required to give a months notice. I said I didn't sign up to that, he said I came to the lessons meaning I agreed to the T & Cs. Clearly he is now going against what he originally said, what we verbally agreed. I didn't sign the paperwork can he make me pay? He has sent me a small claims warning before proceedings letter from his solicitors. I don't want pay the guy a penny as I'm not gonna have the lessons. All advice welcome. Cheers.
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