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Everything posted by adr1an

  1. Had a bit of a strange experience earlier tonight. About 8pm a fire engine pulled up and knocked my door. They said they were 'randomly' inspecting fire alarms. I thought that a bit strange, especially at that late hour. They also "randomly" knocked about seven other people in the street. Frightned the life out of some of the older folks. Then I wondered if it was something to do with the tumble dryer we have which we are waiting a repair on due to the fiasco going on. So I asked ALL the other people the fire service went to checking their fire alarms and they ALL are waiting for the hotpoint repair. Just coincidence? We thought our landlord had sent them, but after speaking to the landlord they have no idea why the fire service were sent. Just seems to much of a coincidence, but maybe I'm wrong.....
  2. Hi all I've just contacted Hotpoint as I've been waiting 8 weeks (the time they claim it should have taken to fix my tumble dryer). They told me I will be waiting until at least June 2016! They did however offer to sell me a new tumble dryer for £99. They told me it's perfectly safe to use as long as it is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. On TV this morning it was mentioned (not by Hotpoint) not to use it at all. They mentioned about going back to the retailer to try and get a refund. My dryer was purchased August 2012. The fault has clearly been there from the time it was purchased. I may try getting a refund, although with the age of the machine that may be easier said than done! Just in case somebody is looking for the contact number for Hotpoint I telephoned: 0800 151 0905. Took a while to get through as it was engaged a lot.
  3. Definitely no estate certainly not £350K! "Sandwiches after", that made me smile! There's no way I'm going to let these swines get away with this. I'm currenty in the process of getting the proof I need to obtain my dad's credit report. I think I'll have a much clearer picture of whats what then. In the meantime I'm going to keep gathering as much evidence as I can, then report them to every authority in the country! Then hopefully, I'll make them pay for the upset and stress. One thing is guaranteed, they ain't getting one penny from me. Cheers guys, if it's OK, as and when I get pertinent information I'll keep posting.
  4. Thanks so much guys for the absolutely solid advice. I'll get cracking and get a copy of his credit files. Until then I will certainly take the advice to ignore them, keeping all evidence. It's all too easy to get involved on the phone with these clowns out of frustration, but quite right, I'll need to refrain from that; although one creditor had his 'hair off' after he told me I would "Hear no more from them" and me telling him that call was recorded! Can't think why he was so upset..... Didn't realise dealing with other peoples debts was going to be so stressful, although sites like this one are a major help in delivering stress relief I can tell you! I am genuinely grateful to you all. Thanks again.
  5. Sorry to post another message on this old(ish) thread, hopefully it will be seen. I just wonder if anybody can give me some more advice (Sorry!) Two of his creditors are now writing to me regularly. Capital One are writing to me, my name on the letter, asking me to sort payment out. I have already demanded they stop writing to me, I have advised them there was no estate, no money or anything for them - so please stop writing. This is falling on deaf ears. I talked to them via a recorded telephone conversation where they told me "I Must" fill out a form they will send (not received yet though). The form will ask details of any money left, how much the funeral was and exactly how any estate was spent. They also want any bank details. I told them this is stressful and upsetting and to stop any further correspondence. I was told until I comply, they will continue sending letters or may instruct debt collectors to visit my home. I am awaiting their final response from a written complaint to them. I spoke to the CAB who told me to comply fully with them. Don't know what to do now, I really don't want to continue with this upset yet I don't see why I should be forced to "Comply" with them. The second company, Fredrickson International for JD Williams are writing to my address also. When I asked the advisor why he is writing to me he stated it was probably because we share the same surname! Thousands share my surname! Again, I explained the situation, as I did to JD Williams and they are too demanding I give written information regarding the non-existent estate. I've written to three Credit reference Agencies who say that third parties are linking my father to my address (he never lived here though) and there is nothing they can do about it. They also say I am not entitled to know who these third parties are due to data protection. I have checked my credit file and there is no sign of my dad linked to my address, so the Credit Agencies must have a different version of the file I guess. I'm guessing that soon enough I will be inundated from other debt collectors, even though ALL creditors know (as far as I know) my dad has passed. I don't know how to stop this, and CAB say comply fully, which is what I thought I was doing. Any advice is, as always, greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Sworn Affidavit! Now I'm lost lol. No, there was no estate, or money. He lived in Social Housing, apart from about £50 when he passed there was no more. He was going to move in with us, so we started emptying his flat of his worldly belongings, very basic stuff - he lived quite a simple way of life. Big stuff, like cooker etc was so old we gave it all away, then whilst we were doing that he was taken to the hospice and never came out, so no, there was literally nothing left. I'll just do as earlier advice mentioned, write, tell them to get the certificate themselves as it seems that's all I need to do, and then report them if they continue to harass me. That seems to be all I need to worry about, I think. Thanks
  7. Thanks very much for that. I can't remember if my details are on the death certificate as I registered the death and handed it all to my brother who has just confirmed to me again that he did indeed send Vanquis the original, and copies to a few other creditors - which may explain why I haven't heard off anybody else except for vanquis. There was no will, so does that mean I'm basically classed as just the person who registered the death thus I'm not really obligated to even have to deal with these morons. Of course, I will need to as they are harassing me, but basically I would not be an "executor"? Although I feel like executing Vanquis!
  8. Thanks for all your replies. The executor, is that the one who registered the death or the person who just dealt with creditors, banks etc etc? Sorry if that's a dumb question
  9. What I will do then is send whoever a letter, using the template shown (much appreciated) and go from there. After that, any more from these and I will constantly just return letters to sender, or go down the reporting them route. If I'm not resposible for my dad's debts, you'd think the creditors would bog off, but I guess sometimes they do win. Probably a dull question. After doing a search online I can't seem to see clearly who has to deal with the creditors. Is it the one who dealt with my dad's affairs after he died, or the one who registered the death? My brother thinks it is him as he sent a copy of the certificate to Vanquis, but I'm not sure as I registered the death. Or does it not matter? omg, I'm confusing myself now. Am I making any sense lol? And does the death certificate, I can't remember, show my address - maybe that's how Vanquis got my address then? So if they did get my address from the certificate, then they obviously received it and are trying their luck getting money out of me... I need to switch my PC off and try to unwind, they have really upset me today. Thanks again for your patience in answering my million questions!
  10. No, I haven't got any of the death certificates, no doubt I can get one but as somebody mentioned if they can get it then I guess let them pay. It did cost a surprisingly large amount of money caring for my dad, not that I would have had it any other way, but nevertheless it was expensive, so if they can pay so be it. To be honest, it seems even if I sent another copy they would still chase and chase for the debt. I'm not that up on the facts, but there wasn't a penny left after he died. We had to pay some towards the funeral, which was the cheapest (sadly) we could find. I just worry that they (and then other creditors of his) will harass me to the ends of the earth - I'm finding this really hard tbh. So, I need to try and focus here and get it right. I should write a final letter, giving details so they can get the certificate, and send recorded delivery, and that should be it for my part? Is this about the best thing I can do? If there's no money, then I would assume neither myself or brother can be held to pay this debt? Sorry, going on a bit here. Just need advice on the way forward, still don't know where they got my telephone number and address, so frustrating. EDIT: Sorry, another question for future reference. Is there a LEGAL requirement to whoever registers the death to inform the deceased creditors? If that's the case then as my brother is unable to I'll have to inform all his creditors, then god knows how much hassle I'll get.
  11. Hi, thanks for the quick responses. I will certainly make an official complaint, I was however hoping to avoid the cost of getting another certificate (mind you, I'm not sure how much they are as my brother did all that). CitizenB, you mentioned "then they know how to obtain one" Can they get one without me paying out? Of course, I agree it is "appalling behaviour", and I don't see how they are allowed to write to me. I've a good mind to pay them £1 a month off my debt!! It was mentioned that my brother, or myself, should have had the copy of the certificate back, I didn't know that I thought they just kept it, well I'm guessing they have anyway. Worst come to the worst though, I will make an effort to send another, this time with proof of posting and delivery. Thanks so much again.
  12. Hi Sorry to bring up an old thread, if I need to start a new one I will. Well, it's been a few months now since my dad died, things are still fresh and raw in my mind, never seen somebody suffer so much. Anyway, may I pick your brains again please? When he died, obviously he had debts. There was no money left or anything and we had a funeral payment to pay for the costs, which didn't totally cover them. Basically, I am being harrased by Vanquis (Impact). Even though, after my dad passed we changed our telephone number, they found it somehow (x-directory too). Anyway, we changed that number again since. I have today had a letter (from Impact), addressed to my dad C/O my address. He never lived here, I am however unfortunately up and over with them with my own debt. Anyway, I did (my brother did) send a death certificate to them last year, which they say they never had. My brother was dealing with all that as I suffer badly with mental health and find this very hard. Unfortunately my brother ended up in jail a few weeks after my dad's passing, so double whammy for us I guess. I've told Vanquis to stop writing to me and phoning me, they are just not listening. I'll probably have to pay for another copy of the death certificate, along with travelling as he died out of the area in the hospice. What can I do about this? Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
  13. Hi all. We were given the news yesterday that my father has days left and is now in a hospice. I would like to thank you all and this site for your time and sound advice, much appreciated. A small donation is on it's way. Kind Regards Adr1an
  14. I think that is a very good idea. Certainly if anybody can "rustle" up up a template letter that would be great. I'll get onto finding out who to write to,thanks.
  15. This is interesting. I see on the Credit Agreement I was sent that it says "Credit Card Agreement", even though it's a different account number from his current account. So maybe in this case he had signed the right agreement so the above wouldn't apply. Although, I wonder if there should be two signed agreements, one for the Store card with one account number and one for the new credit card with the new account number? Or am I just confusing myself? (long day )
  16. Well, I believe when my father took this it it was a store card. Don't know if that makes a difference. When you say "un-en" is that un-enforceable? Is that because it was changed from a store card to a credit card and what difference would that make? , if that was the case. Cheers.
  17. That's pretty much what I am doing, thanks for that Knowledge is power. In the process of dealing with his creditors I have managed to get some written off, others play hard ball and am still waiting to see credit agreements from others. I have received from CL Finance (he has two accounts) his original credit agreements one credit agreement totally matches his account number with CL Finance but the other copy of the credit agreement has a different account number. The original debt was a B&Q card, apparently Santander gives the finance (according to CL Finance). CL Finance say that the reason the original signed credit agreement number is different is somewhere between being passed to them Santander changed the account number? His other account with CL Finance matches though. I was just wondering if this happens? CL Finance say to contact Santander to see why this number has changed. This could be nothing and legit but it's worth getting your opinions. Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the replies. I will get a copy of your letter sent to them immediately. I can use the same expenditure form as my father used to have with Stepchange, slightly edited of course to reflect his new expenditure. Is this a good idea? Personally all I want to do is tell them this is what he can afford, take it or leave it - what's the worst they can do. he has no savings, no property and lives off benefits..... Obviously I don't want to be wasting too much time with these people, more important stuff to do. If this goes to court I just want to be seen as playing fair as need be, no less no more, unlike these creditors who choose to ignore me. I think any more letters sent directly to my father will be ignored. I've asked them to pay for the Dr's letters but they refuse saying it's up to me. I will have a chat to his GP to see if I can get a basic free copy. Thanks again guys, much appreciated.
  19. Hi all, just need some info if possible. Getting through his debts slowly, received all the info finally from Stepchange, wasn't easy though for some reason. Some of his creditors continue to write directly to my father, completely ignoring me, they have been told at least twice each that I am dealing with it and to write to me only, but there we go. Two of his debts, the creditor has failed to provide a credit agreement so until they do I have told them no money. Another creditor worth £50 now lol, wrote the debt off. I've just had a letter from Capital One, or rather they ignored me and wrote to my father who is in no fit state and still deterorating before my eyes. They want copies of all his bank statements, income and outgoings. I don't mind too much giving basic details of his income and expenditure if I must, but there is no way I'm giving them his bank statements. Surely they can't demand or have any right to see this? I'm not happy to give them bank statements, it's personal stuff really. Anyway, onwards and upwards, would gladly accept some views on this. Thanks
  20. Great, thanks for all the info.
  21. OK. Thanks for that. Omw to Post Office!
  22. Hi all Can I just pick your brains again please. I'm not spending huge amounts of time dealing with my father's creditors as we are up to our necks in it at the moment as his illness progresses, but I need some advice if possible please. As you know he is (or was) with CCCS (StepChange now). They are quite frankly being hard work. What I am needing from them is all the information they are holding about my father's accounts. Specifically I want all of his payments he has paid to them and all of the payments they have sent to his creditors over the last 6-7 years. This will be handy should I need to use it in court for example. They are being very, very defensive, asking me why, what, when etc. etc., you get the message. As I stated to them (hopefully correctly) under the Data Protection Act I would be entitled for this information, I guess it's a SAR request? I explained that some companies charge for this but they have refused to say if there is a fee. They are also saying that 6-7 years is a lot of information and they may not be able to send it all to me because of the amount of information! I asked if they have this information and they agreed they did, but sending it is another matter, as they said "Your father has all the statements". I pointed out that he does not as he has not kept them as far as I can see, and as he has had on-line statements for quite sometime, on-line you can only go back six months as far as I can tell. I know I can write individually to each company, which would increase costs dramatically but at the end of the day StapChange have all this information under one account. I see I will need to write a formal letter, would this be a standard SAR request letter? Also I am guessing they HAVE to send this information to me? Thanks again.
  23. I know last year my wife claimed Carers Allowance. My father's benefit was reduced (I think it was part of his Pension Credits or along those lines) by the same amount as she claimed. Also as I receive ESA I had a reduction made as obviously the Carers Allowance is classed as income. So it's probably worth leaving that alone. As far as I can tell my father seems to be claiming all that he can. Thanks for your time though, much appreciated.
  24. He gets the highest rates, and has a car through the scheme.
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