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Everything posted by jethro-c

  1. Hi, I will describe my situation as fully as possible, hopefully someone will be able to help me make sense of this! Today I received a notification that a summary warrant has been granted against me with regards to council tax. Myself and a partner (we are both full-time students) moved into the rented property 5 months ago, in that time we heard nothing from the council regarding council tax until the notification of summary warrant was received. The amount due to the council is for a full year, with the addition of a penalty charge. The notification of summary warrant is not addressed to me (my name is nowhere on the letter), instead it is addressed to a company name. I'm assuming here that the previous tenant worked for them, hence the council tax charges directed to them. If there's anything more anyone needs to know to help then let me know. Thank you for your help, Jethro
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