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Everything posted by Jay-

  1. Yes you will need to attend the appointment, it's not even that bad the 27th is near the end of the month and they pay the transport costs. If you fail to attend 8/10 they will sanction you.
  2. Every time you go to the work programme they should be giving you a card telling you when you need to attend be it weekly or fortnightly, im not sure about daily as i've never had to attend daily i just thinks its a scare tactic.
  3. Had my Final Exit review today lasted about half an hour, she just wrote down what i've achieved while on the programme and what i think is needed to gain employment. All in all it was quite pleasant but she said she does have to pass the review over to the manager of the office and will have to pick up in the coming weeks, im guessing he will re-write the review to make out the provider has done everything it can to get me into full-time employment.
  4. It should be Post Work Porgramme Awareness Session with the JCP which is around 1 hour and then a Final Exit interview with your WPP, if you finish in June id just ring in sick for the other A4E courses as they are only putting you on it so they can get extra money from the government.
  5. Seems like even the work programme will be better than this depending on which advisor you do get at the work programme as some are alright, i can see the majority of people being bullied off benefits who are returning. I think i might even try and get back onto the work programme as going to the job centre is like talking to a brick wall and all they want to do is sanction you for some reason or another. Expect crime rates to rise for 2014
  6. LOL, I think they already know this they had a security at the door during the whole of the info session with his radio going off. I actually felt like i was in a scene from some prison education class.
  7. Well when you do go back to the Jobcentre there will be a team allocated to helping people returning from the work programme, if they offer me help i'll take it but i know what they really want and thats for me to be signed off.
  8. Everyone in my info session today at the Jobcentre was with a WP some different than others i cant see where i wrote some wasnt but myapologies, either way prepare to be hounded upon completion of the Work Programme.
  9. I recieved a letter in the post on Friday from the JCP so it was very short notice. Escaped the two sentences? Im lost lol, All the information i posted above was from what the Job Centre told me today my work programme provider hasnt said a word about when i finish.
  10. Sorry i forgot to state that this meeting wasnt at the WPP but at the actual JCP office.
  11. And also remember the fellow job seekers i was with wasnt all from my work programme provider, this is coming direct from the government.
  12. Well from the meeting i had with JCP everyone finishing the work programme who hasnt found a job will have this meeting from what im gathering its compulsory, it only lasts 1hr max but its all abit worrying im guessing in the next few months we'll see more people being sanctioned.
  13. Hi all, im in the same position as most in this thread in that i think The Work Programmes a complete waste of time. I finish my 2 year stint in the middle of June next month. Today i had to attend an information session along with other jobseekers who have been on the programme for 2 years, there was around 20 of us in a room in which the receptionist turned job advisor basically gave us a lecture for about 45 minutes telling us the JCP will be on our backs for the next 6 months. This will include more frequent visits to the jobcentre weekly/daily, attending courses or programmes and participating in mock interviews, they also said they will be sending our CV's to companies and arranging interviews in our behalf. So like others i was hoping to go back to my usual signing on every 2 weeks and it looks like this wont be the case. The session we had today was called Post Work Programme Activity we ALL have to have a 40 minute personal advisor interview in the coming weeks, the guy was trying to say the Job Centres all changed now and we will get a better service from them etc but im sure most will find out soon.
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