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  1. Hi Lee just wanted to make you aware that i have revieved a letter of deadlock from vodafone. i jsut want to pay this and get it over with and i really need to do that this week. i know you said you would get back to me when you can which is fine, but it needs to be done this week please. also its a little irritating that this is the only way i have of contacting you, on a public forum...not ideal in my eyes but with any luck i wont need to again after this week thanks
  2. Lee can you please contact me as soon as you are able, i would like to get this paid and resolved in the early part of this week if possible thanks
  3. Lee, any updates?? please? getting desperate here...
  4. Lee sorry, for some reason i cant send you a message! i have just spoken to my mortgage broker and he said apparently there is a way of putting a note or similar on my credit report to say that something is under investigation, is this something you are able to do? this may help with getting me a mortgage while you are still looking into my case for me thanks
  5. Hi Lee., thanks for the phone call on Friday, just wondering if there is any updates as yet? as you can imagine i would like this resolved asap thanks again
  6. thank you very much, i have emailed and look forward to a speedy response and resloution
  7. Lee i have had previous problems with vodafone almost 2 years ago. i think we spoke a little about it then, but i will update you anyway i missed a month or 2 payments, i phoned up to pay these after a while and was told i wasnt on their systems, they couldnt find my name or address at all, it finally got round to me being told i had been passed onto a debt collection company and owed over £500 as voda had cancelled my contract, i told the debt company that i refused to pay this, but i would be happy to pay the £70 odd that i actually owed. this was around october 2012 - the debt company said they would contact voda about this and get back to me. since then i have attempted to phone the debt company multiple times, left messages etc and had no response, and voda wont talk to me as i am not on their system. i forgot about this problem for almost a year i guess, but now i have had a mortgage refused due to this being outstanding on my credit report. i have had no contact from the debt agency, or from voda about this and i cannot contact anyone to try and sort it out can you help? i need this gone from my credit report as it has just put my whole life on hold indefinately, and i will lose out on my perfect house. im very annoyed as there seems to be nothing i can do about it thank you
  8. i have no idea...how do i check without being tricked (wont let me write s c a m m e d for some reason) into monthly payments that i dont know about? have had bad experience with Experian before where they took £30 a month off my credit card without me knowing about it, never checked statements as i had cut the card up by that point so i dont trust anything like that anymore
  9. the reference number from the email is #11589247 thanks
  10. Hi Lee i have no idea what my vodafone phone number is, it wont let me fill in the contact form without it...
  11. I forgot to mention, I have read tonight a lot about how FPC have been harassing people to the extreme, kinda made me laugh as I have heard nothing from them for almost 4 months
  12. i got a bit behind with Vodafone toward the end of last year and organised a payment plan with them which apparently wasn't put in any of their notes, I had tried to pay them over the phone but they couldn't find any record of my name, phone number or address on their systems. January this year I found out why, they had passed on my debt to FPC (Fredricksons) and added an extra £600 to close my account, obviously I wasn't willing to pay this and at this point voda wouldn't speak to me, so I got in contact with FPC to explain voda's cock up they were very helpful, and put my debt account with them on hold until 18th Feb this year while they forwarded my appeal (in writing) to Vodafone and waited for a response (the letter was sent at the start of Jan) I thought nothing else of it, and have come to the realisation today that I have had NO contact from either FPC, or Vodafone... so what happens now? is it my responsibility to contact them or should they have got back to me by now with a response to my appeal? seeing as it's been 3 months PAST the original 5 weeks grace period they gave me. I can now see the debt including the last 3 months contract costs even though they have apparently cancelled my account. I no longer use the phone as I have a company mobile, and all I was trying to do originally (NOV '12) was to reduce my contract to the minimum monthly cost and just let it run out. so, what do I do? call them and ask if they actually want my money, or wait for them to (maybe) contact me asking for even more money? ignore it and hope they have forgotten about lil ol' me? thanks in advance
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