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  1. is there anyway i can get dwp to send me a no prosecution pending letter or anything like that people say different things and thiough its been nine weeks since it started i still keep flaring up with the anxiety of it i just want to know its ok advice anyone thanks
  2. antone many thanks for your supporting post i feel better that it seems a common enough practice to put this on a letter i have no intention to lapse on repayments i will pay the full amount back its just scary to a worrier with ocd and generalised anx disorder like me the way some of these letters are worded today ive had a nice day with my family something that has rarely happened since this nightmare started thank you to all you kind people for your help its very much appreciated this sites amazing
  3. thanks so much abc123 i phoned and had a chat with a lady who said no prosecution marked for it just to keep paying its a fairly standard letter apparantly thank the Lord so going to chill a bit now thanks to all for your replies and support it helps so much to know your here
  4. thank you citizenkain it helps that youve been there i have very bad anxiety problems GAD and OCD as well as depression and some thing like this just sends me off the scale when i first found out i spent a week researching prisons all i could think of was theyd take my son from me its called catastrophising and thats what you do sorry to ramble its just i wish i could get proper closure i feel i have to ring them for reassurance as i said 99 per cent have said its not down as a fraud but in my head i think well would they tell me anyhow its just fear of the worst happening thanks again for your kindness
  5. or anyone else with any advice of course thanks a lot
  6. also wouldnt the fact that i told them mean they dont need to give me an iuc ive admitted been overpaid but it wasnt fraud so im being honest saying i had the money overpaid but not on purpose why would i tell them myself if it was fraud why would i ask them to check 5 years p60s if it was fraud why would i reapply for my sons dla to be assessed in case he was getting too much if i was defrauding them ive said plenty to them on the phone about how this came about as ive said in my story on here not once have i ever changed my story cos its the truth im told they tape the calls well ive been well upset on mine i can tell you but i need closure isnt there anyway i can get them to write saying im not been prosecuted for fraud if im not im gonna end up sectioned at this rate and im not joking please can i have your opinion jabbajones thanks
  7. oh jabbajones great to hear from you sorry i hadnt read your post before i wrote this one above yes its been eight weeks since i informed them 7th june recieved op letter and i recieved this today thanking me for payment and terrifying me in the process is it usual to have iuc first and what offence would arise from it im sorry to be a pain but i trust your judgement a lot and also would the dwp advisors say no if it were planning to prosecute or not thanks so much
  8. i think ive let myself relax too much with this just because i informed them of my overpayment as soon as i found out and have been open about it i think they are going to prosecute me i have spoken to many advisors from dwp and 99 per cent have said its not down as fraud i believed it too but why would it sat the without prejudice on letter if they werent planning something else it had taken me ages to calm down too the letter was a dm15 whatever that is oh God its scary
  9. AGGH help ive had aletter today which scared me to death ive started paying back and made my first payment on 2nd july they recieved payment 4th july i rang to ask to confirm by letter which they did HOWEVER it has the sentence this payment is recieved without prejudice to any further action that may be taken in relation to this debt . It has started the whole thing off again worried sick scared of being prosecuted lady on phone says no its just a letter but im scared stiff again she says carry on paying and not to worry its eight weeks since i informed them but no iuc yet could they be planning just to prosecute and not tell me as ive already admitted being overpaid but not deliberately i cant settle at all please can someone advise is the wonderful Jabbajones around
  10. hello sinkinghelp im new on this site its good there are places like this to keep us all going it sounds like you have been to hell and back over a long period of time im glad your ordeal is over anyway and good luck for your future all the best to you
  11. thanks jadeybags and lifeisamess for your input ive asked them a lot of times when ive phoned normal carers allowance unit and debt management and all have said not marked for prosecution My anxiety issues make all this even harder for me like its not tough enough I start to obsess about things and become ill with stress , hopefully it helps i informed them when it came to light and have been open all the way through because my conscience wont let me do anything else So trying to chill now thanks to all you lovely people
  12. jabbajones thank you so much for your advice I haave been ill with worry for six weeks since all this happened.I always kept my hours to the minimum but I ended up being overpaid will no longer claim even if eligible as too scared now I have had my sons DLA reviewed cos I dont want him getting something he shouldnt.Do you defo think i wont here anything now thats a relief i think this website is amazing people on here so kind and helpful Thanks jabbajonea and everyone for your time and effort helping me:-)
  13. hi jabbajones ive read some great info started on here from you Yes i rang and informed dwp the day the benefit advisor told me i was over about an hour after actually cos i had to get home first ! Just have so much anxiety about being prosecuted it scares me witless they looked through five years p60s cos iwas scared it had been worked out wrong but there was only 2012 to 2013 £3458 nearly bloody died of shock whats your view jabbajones thanks for your support oh and yes they worked out the overpayment from the info i sent i think iwas a year and two weeks over
  14. THANKS jadeybags really helped to hear from you I have paid back one payment so far it will take me three years in all but i am relieved to start paying it off I just wish I had been with it enough to remember to check thats all but as we said so much going on with family In a way it can happen to lots of people and its scary as hell I have never had bad thoughts despite having anx and depression for years but this made me terrified im just hoping to heaven now that all will be ok this website is fabulous for anyone going thru stuff like this thanks to you and everyone for support
  15. hi jadeybags and ta so much for your input its invaluable when someones been through it like ypo didnt you get prosecuted I wish they could realise what it does to someones life Yes there are people who set out to defraud hundreds and thousands of pounds but that is fairly rare surely . and the stress of waiting makes people ill Well I guess thats me vented No fraud was the last thing I would ever have done too much to lose not wise enough about payments pensions etc and going through it with our lovely Mum in law was my problem please add any input you feel can help ....as it does
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