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  1. thankyou. what if he refuses to give laptop? yes i did want to talk to him as i havent been able to speak to him as his parents have stopped him. can i insist only he picks his things as opposed to a 3rd party or not really?
  2. it was a laptop he said was a present for me but he took it back with him. i purchased those clothes some designer for him as a presnt so i felt i should aos take my 'presents' back. what should i write to the solicitor? should i send it recorcded delivery? also solicitor has said i have his passprt which i do not. is there anything furtehr he can do regarding this? do i have to let him in my home? thanks
  3. :sad:yes sadly. i shall return his things and write back to the solicitor. thanks everyone
  4. its clothes trainers and a watch. his watch i never purchased but its worth about 3k. i spent much more during the whole relationship. he seemed to just take and he took his gift of a laptop back with him. i paid cash for alot of the things. yes hes very weak. he stayed strong during our 9 month marraige but they took all financial help and family ties from him and emotionally blackmailed him till he couldnt take it anymore. do u think i have to give it back? any proof i have it? people put each others things in teh bin all the time no? we are both in our early 20s but im still hoping and praying that hel grow a backbone
  5. yes its been so tough. still is. im not trying to be difficult but i was the one who purchased these things. he rarely contributed so if hes leaving me after just 9 months, i dont see why i should have to suffer more financial loss when the fact that he purchased a laptop for me, he took straight back. so if he can take his presents back, why cant i? i sound petty i know but iv had enough.
  6. Hi im not sure if anyone can help but i thought il give it a go as i was recommended this site. against my husbands parents will (who have always hated me) we decided to get married last year. we had a long distance relationship and when we got married, my husband left his parents house and moved in with me. we found it was alo of pressure on us both financially and emotinally as his parents were still doing everything to break us up and would not let us publically announce our marriage. this caused alot of arguments. during our relationship, there was long periods of time where my husband had not worked so i purchased many items of clothes and various things for him- i have not kept these reciepts. over a row about my husbands parents, in anger he rang them and he went back home. his parents are now forcing him to divorce me or loose them forever. he hadnt taken his things and was asking variuos people to come to my house and pick up his things. i am reluctant to give him his things - not only becaus i paid for teh majority of them but i dont see why i should make it easy for him to return home and leave all his responsibilty from me. i have now recieved a letter from a solicitor saying i shoud give him back his things within 7 days or face further action. his mother has forced this on him. why should i give his things back? he rarely contributed financially in the relationship. im sure all the time people break and throw each others things in the bin??? i still want the marriage but his parents have said tehy will cut all ties. i am worried about the letter. i simply wanted HIM to collect his things not others. don't know what to do.....:fear:
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