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Everything posted by NotDave

  1. I spoke to the owner yesterday who got one of his mechanics to looks at it. Mechanic said he couldn't tell until he took the clutch out (fair enough) and that there might be air in the system or a push-rod might be sticking (also fair enough) and he couldn't tell if the exhaust could be repaired or needed to be replaced until he had a proper look at it. All fair enough and fair play to the owner, he said I should take it on on Monday and they'll have a look at it. Fingers crossed they do the right thing. In my opinion, the exhaust is beyond repair but to be fair to the garage, they won't know what's wrong with the clutch until they take it out and you can't really do that when you're parked outside.
  2. I'm hoping I won't need it. I haven't spoken to the guy that sold me the bike yet and I'm hoping he's going to be reasonable and fix it. This thread might turn out to be a "continuing saga" type thread but I hope not. I've listed the important things in the SOGA I need to talk to him on the phone about or I could just go up there and see him. Whatever happens I'll post it.
  3. I should point out the bike's actually done around 30,800 miles; it's only done around 1,000 miles since I've had it.
  4. Hello all! In October last year, I bought a second-hand motorcycle that came with a 12-month parts and labour warranty. In that time, the bike has covered around 1,000 miles and because of the weather I only really got to use it in anger a couple of weeks ago and that's when I noticed that changing up through the gearbox at high revs made the clutch slip. No problem, I thought, I'll get onto the dealer to let them know. After I got back home I decided to do an oil and filter change and that's when I noticed the exhaust downpipes had rusted through and have small holes in them where corrosion has perforated them. I got onto the dealer on Monday last week and he said he'd get onto the warranty company. over a week later (today), I'd heard nothing back from them so gave them a ring and the bloke I spoke to said "they won't have it". I asked what he meant by this and he said "because it's a wearable item". I explained the bike's only done 1,000 miles and that the fault was likely there when I bought it and because I'd not really had a chance to use it properly I'd only just noticed the fault. I asked to speak to the bloke who'd actually sold it to me because in his words "if it's not covered under the warranty, we'll make sure it is" but he won't be there until later on this afternoon. Now, before he gets there I wanted to get an idea of my rights. The bike was sold-as-seen and had a "sold as seen" sticker on the screen but because of the warranty and reassurance that they'd fix it no-matter-what, I signed on the line and bought it. I understand things like brake pads, chain and sprockets and other consumables won't be covered but to my mind, a clutch is a major component and so is the exhaust. Any help on my rights before I go into see them will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Been there, done that. I'm at a stage now where I just can't take any more crap from inept (mis)management and I think the only way I'm goig to make any money is to work for myself. When I say "been there, done that", I've previously worked for several courier companies and for several years combined- including motorbikes, vans and lorries. I thought this might give me a head start. Obviously I don't know where all the schools are, pubs, restaurants and police stations etc but I spent a good 50-60 hours a week for about 6 years pounding the roads for a pittance and in the end working just to keep my bike on the road so I know the direction of places, I just don't know the names of the roads or many of the points but I think I've got an advantage over many people as 60-70% of my work was in the square mile and I know where some of the big city firms are. I'm going to give it some more thought.
  6. Can anybody tell me where I might find the information I need? I have a signing day this Thursday and I'd like to be able to have my facts straight before I politely decline any other measures without risking my benefit. Thanks.
  7. Thanks, I noticed shortly after posting I may have hijacked another thread that was similar in nature and appreciate you fixing it for me. I have some questions for TFl as well but getting them to answer the phone is a chore. Despite being number one in the queue for 10 minutes, I decided they must've been on their lunch and hung up. I appreciate any help I can get here. Regards. ND. P.S. Hello to you too.
  8. Sorry for coming to this a bit late but I'm on my last week of MWA. Three months ago I was working full-time and with a few holes in my CV of a few weeks here and there, I have a full work history of more than 25 years. I have done a lot of reading on the MWA and it may be too late now, but I don't think I was ever supposed to be put on it. I'll save you the story but my PA got spiteful after I asked the JC manager if I could see someone else after I complained about her attitude towards me and her tone. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I'm almost finished, I'll suffer it until the end but I have a question.. I live in London and I've considered doing the London knowledge to drive a licenced black cab. I will be out on a scooter for anything from 2-3 hours to maybe 10 hours a day and this could be for anything up to four years, depending how I get on. So, the question is, if I can show that I'm doing work-based training, can I prevent myself from going onto another scheme like MWA and what can I do with regard to JSA because technically speaking, I won't have time to look for a job unless it's a quick flit through the online sites and if I did find a job, this would put my taxi career back by quick some chalk. If I'm not looking for work because I'll be training, how would I support myself if the DWP decide to stop my JSA, HB and CTB? I realise I'm late to the party but this is the best and most relevant thread I've seen that comes quite close to where I am. I'm not ill and not unable to work, I just want to be able to support myself while I get myself through a period of training that may take some time. Many thanks.
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