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  1. just an update. h Samuel have just called and reluctantly offered me a full refund on the ring and insurance. I have accepted! Once the funds are cleared, i'm going in for compensation. There was no sorry or anything. Very very shocking customer service. Be warned people x
  2. thank you I just called financial ombudsman, and also citizen advice. I am writing a letter to the store recorded now.
  3. can I do a chargeback onto my partners card?? I don't have the ring, its in store? or could I mention when (if) head office call that I plan on doing this?
  4. hi dx its head office im dealing with and getting nowhere. I have just called again and they are waiting for a report from the workshop apparently..
  5. when she calls me today and says its my fault my ring broke, what do I say? do I say that it is not of reasonable quality / durability then? Im dreading the call
  6. Hi, thanks dx I have emailed the guy. Shall see what he comes back with. Is that all I can do? Thanks
  7. My partner purchased my engagement ring for me and within ten days it had bent so bad I had to "rebend" it to get it off my finger! Then all the stones completely fell out!. All I had done was lean down on my hands hovering?. Its an expensive ring and 9crt gold, I was told this was the strongest and this is one of the reasons I chose it. I took the ring back, very very upset only to be told it can be repaired on my insurance. I had lost all confidence in the ring so asked for a refund as I was too scared it would happen again. Cut a long story short this nasty woman said no and that I could pick another ring up to the value of mine and do a straight swap. she failed to tell me I would have to take out further insurance.. an hour after i'd spend trying on new rings and trying to choose one!. The whole time she was looking down her nose at me and never once smiled!. I felt like a criminal!. I found a ring, it was £35 more and £60 for insurance! so I was expected to pay an extra £95! I refused and asked if there was anyway this could be sorted as a goodwill seems as mine had broke within 10 days. Was blatently told NO, resulting in me feeling ever so stupid and having it sent for repair. Once home I called Head Office to complain about my experience only to discover they were just as rude and unhelpful as the sales assistants in the shop. I returned my ring on the 20-04-13, and it is still there now. Head office sent it for a second opinion, only for it to be returned REPAIRED!? now there is no evidence it was even broken. I am constantly battling for my refund. I have had to chase everyday only to get nowhere. Today the manager called to tell me she couldn't get hold of the workshop, she thinks its shut!? To which I let loose for 16 mins only to be told she'll call me tomorrow. . i'm at the end of my tether. I am having to call the shop, then head office, then the shop and so on as no one follows anything up. They are the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. I was told they are not legally obliged to refund me anything! Also I am lucky they have repaired it for free! CHEEK! Now as it stands I am awaiting a call tomorrow to say whether it was my fault or a manufacturing problem. I know exactly what they will say, that it is mine and I wont be allowed a refund. I want my money back, I want nothing more to do with them. Its that simple but they don't care. Its costing me a fortune to call them and be on hold for 20 mins at a time just to end the call in tears. I;m so stressed I don't know what im going to do. I have emailed watchdog tonight and have reported them. I cant find any email address for the director. ive been told his name is kevin ryan? Is this even true?? I hope someone can advise me, thank you
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