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Everything posted by gerrylep

  1. I didn't have time to do it before June 2, plus i think the fact that I waited around 6 months to even get that, I should be allowed a bit more time to retort. But i guess, and perhaps I haven't asked this clearly enough: can anyone offer advice as to the substance to which my further complaint can be heard properly, because so far, it seems to me that I would just be going back with the same facts, and disputing some of the adjudicator's retorts, some of which are just inaccurate? Thanks.
  2. You've lost me mate...the letter i attached was from the ombudsman or ADJUDICATOR (no idea why you put that in full caps, but i'll join in). The question i was asking in my first post, being unhappy with with i regard is an unfair ruling, can i take it further? Thanks.
  3. Yep, as stated in my initial post.
  4. It's already gone through to the ombudsman, and the reply is attached above. My gripe is that a lot of what the Ombudsman has 'guessed' is simply not factual. Let me recheck the SAR, not sure you get another crack at this. My legitimate complaint is that i wasn't presented with a free account option, but it seems that I am not being believed on this one. thx
  6. Hi there, not sure what the SAR would achieve. The basic disagreement is that I wasn't offered an alternative (free from fees) account. I was in full knowledge of what they were selling me, they just didn't offer alternative, and i believed this is all they had on offer. Anyway I attach the letter sent from Ombudsman.
  7. Hi there, i received the letter from the Ombudsman, would you mind if i uploaded it for your perusal. It is filled with so many suppositions, inaccuracies, and just factually incorrect statements. I really would like to appeal this. Just wondered if you had the time? Thanks.
  8. Would you mind if I posted a copy of the exact letter of complaint? You may be right, but i honestly believe the Ombudsman is trying to shift a backlog, and is not investigating thoroughly. Appreciate you responding.
  9. The Ombusman via a phone call, basically just upheld the decision. Looked at the 'facts', which were actually opinions. I got a bit upset with him, because essentially he is siding with the bank, which therefore means I am telling lies. It's outrageous. They are sending written confirmation, when it arrives, I will post it. Can't recall the exact details of the package I was being offered. Bottom line is that I wasn't offered an alternative, and took this because i believed it to be the cheapest per month. I was naive, but I 100% was not informed of a free account. thx for getting back so promptly.
  10. Hey there, i had this account sold to me 4 years ago. I hadn't opened a bank account in the UK for some years. I was not presented with a possibility of a free account at any time in the meeting. I have never once used any of the packages or so called perks. I complained to RBS they through it out, stating, "having previously lived in the UK i should have known that free accounts were possible to attain". I didn't. I then moved onto the Ombudsman, who have sided with the bank. How can I take this further, it is simply not fair! Any advice appreciated. Thx
  11. With that in mind, does anyone have a phone number? OR postal address. Original complaint was with MINT, but all correspondence has been with RBS group. thx
  12. just an update got a text a few weeks ago saying payment should be with my 10/9, and it still hasn't arrived. Is this normal or should I be chasing them up? Thanks
  13. I don't think I did. However in the explanation of why I believe I merited the refund, I did mention that the PPI charge occasionally forced me over limit.
  14. Here it is: Refund = £495 Compound Interest = £160 refund of overlimit fees = £180 Compound Interest on o/l fees = £3
  15. So result from MINT. RBS agreed to repay me £838, which is about right. Thanks for all the advice on this thread. Moving on to next card!
  16. okay i will jump in there and have a look at some case studies. Quickly though, I fall into the 90% category, does that mean I have a better chance of being refunded?
  17. Appreciate you coming back so quickly. Is there some literature on the site that will illuminate me to the specific conditions of PPI being sold to self employed individuals?
  18. Well just as I was about to mail the Ombudsman, RBS (Mint) sent me a letter, saying they believe I may have been mis sold PPI, and there is a questionniare sheet attached. " The Bank is concerned that the policy may have been mis sold due to the nature of your employment at the time of the sale". It then says, " you may not have been advised that there were specific conditions for self employed customers that would need to be met in order for a claim to have been successful" It doesn't go on to list the conditions. This is the area which is appropriate for me, as I was self employed and was in and out of work throughout the course of having PPI, and my finances fluctuated. Not once did I action a PPI claim. So now I am looking for advice on what to say and whether I should complete the form or continue the Ombudsman process. I don't want to put an answer down that could rule me out of any payback. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks.
  19. Well the RBS (Mint) sent me a bundle and as suspected I payed PPI. What is the next stage in reclaiming?
  20. i got all my old bank statements somewhere in a storage space, will go through them. Thanks for your other advice though, appreciate it.
  21. Hi there, I know I had a MINT card and an EGG card, so have sent off SARs on behalf of those two. However I know I had around 3 or 4 other credit cards whi I was paying PPI on. I have tried an Experian check and couldn't find them. Is there any other suggestion as to how I can definitively find who I held Credit Cards with back in the mid 2000s? Thanks Great Site. GL
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