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  1. all sorted now. have rung the mortgage company and they do issue a default notice for the £273. this will now be paid on Thursday so all sorted. thank you for the advice even if it was a little curt and wrong in this instance as they do issue a default notice.
  2. thank you for your quick response. i do keep in contact with the mortgage company and they said they will issue a default notice. so now i am confused
  3. hi i am new to the CAG, but would like some advice please. we currently have a suspended mortage eviction order. we have had this for 3 years. our arrears are £3300. we have to pay back our monthly mortgage payment of £495 plus £75 towards the arears. we are not behind with our payments until this month. we have only been able to pay £300 this month so we still owe £273. we have not been issued with a default notice yet but we will be. my question is will the default be for the total arears or for the £273, which i can pay this thursday. our building society is Chelsea and they will not enter into any negotiations. i know this through previous experience. i am worried sick about this as we have kids and i do not want to lose my home. any advice asap would be greatly appreciated.
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