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  1. Hello, its been a week since i posted and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice please? ive written a letter but id like to fight my corner and find out if they can fine 8 months after sending out the initial overpayments letter? I thought this would have all been done together ?
  2. Good afternoon, I was issued with a letter in July 2013 for an overpayment of tax credits for 12k!as they believd i had a partner living with me, Im a single parent but the childs father lives at the same house due to the mortgage.Neither of us can afford to live alone and or come away from the mortgage, not to mention the house being in negative equity. Other than this i have no attachment to the man. Anyway. I have yet to start re paying my debt as i am on a low wage and really struggle financially anyway. I have kept in touch with HMRC at all times informing them of my situation and responding in a timely manner when asked for information etc. They went through my expenses and agreed i couldnt afford to start repaying any money yet. I wished i had appealed at the time and tried so far with it but i am not strong enough mentally, and all this is making my alot more ill than i was already and i an now seeing my mental health worker more and more! Just over a week ago i was sent a letter to state i have been issued with the maximum fine of £3,000 to pay? How o earth can they do this? i am worried to death and cannot see any way i can possibly pay £15k back? I would have thought if i was to be issued a fine it would have been in the beginning? Could someone please advise me the best road to take? Im at my wits end and already feel very weak. Ive tried calling and calling everyday and two numbers they have provided me with, One rings out and one is constantly engaged. I called the main HMRC number to see if i could get another number but they dont have one, theyve updated their system with my mobile number and advised i am contantly ringing but to no avail and suggest i write a letter? I just want it sorting! I hope you can help! Many thanks in advance
  3. Thank you so much for your reply. They aren't third party remarks.i was actually in court as support to my friend.this is what is so confusing??? She was definitely cleared and has the documents to prove this? I really appreciate your advice on this and thank you for responding so quickly!! What is a variation order??? X
  4. Hi, I'm posting on behalf of a friend here. In 2012 my friend was summoned To court for benefit fraud. Claiming single when living with a partner. This wasn't the case and turns out it was a malicious call from an enemy, my friend was done for housing benefit (£26,000) and income support and council tax benefit (£24,000) . My friend submitted all evidence,underwent and iuc and went to court. She actually suffered an horrific ordeal but was cleared in court as INNOCENT by the judge!!!! What I am querying is this.... She's been ordered to pay back all costs and the latest £24k in just 7 days.this can just not happen as she struggles to live financially as it is and has a young daughter to care for. Please an you give me some advice to give her and is it something we can appeal??? How the hell can anyone pay £24k in 7 days??? Many thanks in advance xx
  5. thanks so much Honey bee, knew youd reply, we dont live together as a couple, just purely financially.. i thought i was doing the right thing, ive even come across a document called undisclosed couples? its an awkward mess living as we are never mind this on top, ive spoken to cab ( lovely man) unfortunatley just redirected me to the document on the internet i found re undisclosed couples, x
  6. hi,im a new member and im struggling with an issue ive posted in Hmrc, i posted on wednesday but had no feedback, im worried sick, could someone help please
  7. please please could someone give me some advice? im getting so worried x
  8. Hi everyone,im new here but know of the forum and value what a fantastic place it is for useful knowledge and friendly ,caring people, I received a compliance letter to state they are working with credit reference agencies and believe im living with another male. The answer is, yes i am, unfortunately not a choice of my own but one we dont have, He is my little boys ex and we bought a house together when i fell pregnant, weve split many times and ive tried to survive on my own but paying my half of a £700.00 a moth mortgages as well as rent , bills food, childcare etc, doesnt happen very easily, i came back in 2010 as it was looking like we could be in trouble with the mortgage company as he couldnt afford to keep up the mortgage repayments on his own, so i moved back in, thought it would be good for our little boy to see his dad most days and to be honest the house is a nice house, three bedrooms, i have one, he has one and our son has the other, he pays all the bills out of his bank account which are all in his name and i transfer a set amount to his bank for my half, we are both named on the council tax as i believed right as we both reside at that address, we are both obviously named on the mortgage, The house/mortgage is in huge negative equity and seems a massive nightmare to be able to get out of this, its at times slightly awkward to live in the same house but he makes it easier by spending alot of time at work, gym, his mothers and mates, he doesnt support me financially, i have my own phone bill, car insurance , car bank account etc, but im panicking now as they are making me out to be a criminal!! or to have committed an offence, never had a criminal record, ive never even set foot in a police station, a work full time and cant wait for the day to arrive when i can finally remove my self from the mortgage and find myself and my son a nice little house, what a complete bloody mess, im terrified my employer will find out, then i wont have a job and definatley wont be able to pay my half, my parents cant take me and my son in and i dont have many friends, plus id still be liable for paying for a house i dont live in!! what can i do??? thank you in advance, very very panicky...
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