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  1. Hey everyone this is annoying me now. I took all the remainder of my belongings with me in the middle of March after my parents had sold the house, the man who bought the house lives in Norway usually and is never at the house so obviously doesn't check the mail. On the sunday driving home from here back to Uni I am almost certain I got caught by a mobile phone. I was doing about 37 ish when I spotted it in a 30. It was parked just before a 40 zone, very cheeky and it was about 300 FT away so god knows where it was even aiming. But anyways, I sent off my license and registration on the wednesday after this as it was the first available option. My dilemma and worry is, if I did get sent something regarding that and it was sent to my old address (literally as my mail was on to the DVLA) can I be fined for the £1000 and not answering in 21 days? I have literally not been able to check the mail at this old house as the man is still in Norway. I believe he is returning shortly and I may get some mail then but it will be too late? I am frantically panicking about this as i'm in uni and I don't really hve £1000 or the ability to pay off 6 points worth of insurance. Also I only got my license back last week which was nearly a month after I sent it away
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