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  1. Might be the copper was just a miserable fart? who hates his job.who knows?
  2. i was aware & would have had them on the bike that day,but i was not sure if i could ride the bike to go buy them to put on, just like you can drive to a M.O.T. station without a m.o.t. on the vehicle, i understand what your saying though, but it is a officers discretion to ( turn a blind eye)as long as the L plate is on within the hour or so.i guess i just had a by the book officer,??
  3. i past test in november 2011, they had no problem insuring me after then,thats my point, i was insured for around 18 months until i informed them of the 3 points, then that very moment i was removed from the cover note,& not insured which remains the problem.
  4. i know its strange, most are for speeding, even my nominated drivers are for speeding,? i thought points were just that regardless of how they were obtained, unless drink drive,etc. but thats a ban,mandatory, i think?
  5. i mentioned the scar straight away to the police,but they took no notice, thats why i added it to this thread, if i seem a bit topsy turvy.lol
  6. i meant three yrs, lol not tree yrs... ,im not from jamaica.lol
  7. i might add i have a hospital scar thats the length of my whole stomach,which could not be stitched together so was left to heal open which took 21 months to grow a very thin layer of skin over,which basically holds my intestines, pancreas,ect..very very easy to burst,tree yrs in hospital with alot of pain worry,and emotional fear, after that im still here, very rare to survive this illness but i did,and am only 40,but cant move around alot, so mobility was a god send,until they pulled the insurance now im slowly sinking down the dreaded spiral of depression,which is very hard to fight, sorry to go on but im happy for at least a bit of notice from your good self,ARNTNAP..it is much appreciated...
  8. Thank you for a very detailed reply,i can give a brief summary of why the ab discharge,basicly the police stopped me for the L plate,they said,i had my prov licence in my wallet,the bike was a 125 cc,which is the max for a prov licence,but L plates must be on the bike also,i told them i would go straight to get them now,but he was not the most pleasant of officers,so he gave me the fixed penalty,after this he said could he search me just as a routine check,i could see he just did not like me,so i kept cool and polite and said go ahead,as he did so he found two co codamol tabs for pain relief,which i get every month from GP, they were still in the foil wrapper but clearly named,then al of a sudden hands were behind back and im thrust on the ground with both thumbs up my back face flat on the path under arrest? mins later i'm in a van on route to the cells, whilst i'm in there,the bike is thrown in to a van and put in a compound ,as for why who knows, it was not obstructing or a danger to any body,it was t&t insured, anyway after 4 hours i was released with no charge and a letter to take back to the station with all my docs after they had checked the docs,i could take this letter to the compound to get my bike back,oh also to part with £160 as well, not forgetting i had a £60 ticket to pay for the L plates,i was not pleased to say the least,so after the ticket not being paid, a summons hit the doorstep,it was then i got the ab discharge due to the £160 to get my bike back ,so after all that i left court with no punishment, which for the way i had been treated i thought was at least a positive outcome,then the next day i got the prosecutor's letter stating that there was a oversite and i had to re appear to give in my licence to have it endorsed with the 3 points, thats what the points are for,i might add that the bike was a 125,not a 500 or more,then i could understand the accordance with a license,but it was the legal size for the licence i had in my pocket can you add any more input after the detail i added,i must add i have all the paperwork ticket, etc.. to back all this up as fact. if it was needed,i look forward to your reply,thanks..oh and the court date was 20/2/2012.
  9. The contract your hubby signed when he picked up the car,states if you end early then you still have to pay until the end of contract,no matter what,oh,,unless the person dies, its a huge rip off i understand your situation,its good when they offer the scheme cant do enough for you,but watch them show the true colors if your circumstances change,all i can advise after 10 years on the scheme is find a friend to drive ,or fake your hubbys death lol.sorry seems they just want the money,till your due to hand back,then they just sell it on and keep that money also, i have just been told after all the cars i have had 5 to date that i cannot be put on the insurance due to 3 points i got for no L plates on a motorbike i had last year,but my nominated driver also has 3 points but he is ok to be on the cover note, so i have a car that i cant use unless i arrange my friend to drive me which is hard to do as he works almost 45 hrs a week,the mind boggles at the rules im not handing it back to still be paying for 3 yrs,i would rather see it rot, hope you get a result, good luck...
  10. hi all, just a bit of help regarding 3 points put on my licence, after being stopped,on a 125cc i was holding a prov licence, i had been given a £60 on the spot ticket for the offence, which i couldn't afford to pay,so i went to dispute the ticket in court, stating i was not aware i needed L plates for a 125 cc WHICH I WENT TO BUY JUST AFTER GETTING THE TICKET AND PUT THEM ON THE BIKE,i might add that i had all my docs on me to prove i was fully legal minus the L plates,anyway after the court apperance i got a absolute discharge, and that was that, then a day later the court prosecutor sent me a letter stating that there had been a oversight at court and they had not took my licence as i had to have 3 points put on it? which i had to comply with and return the prov licence to DVLA,when i got it back they were on there, anyway a few months later i passed my car test and received my full car licence, as im a disabled person which i will remain being for life ,i applied for a motability car which i was awarded to help in my day to day mobilty,but after the RSA insurance noticed the 3 points for the L plates,they said i could not be put on the cover note for the car,but i could nominate a person to be a driver for me,so i did have a friend to nominate for me which i put forward to be my nominated driver,which was accepted without any question,heres the thing he also had 3 points for speeding on his licence, but they had no trouble insuring him but not me,who now has to arrange a friend to drive me to hospital apps, & other day to day tasks,& thats only if he is free to help if he is not at work,can any one give any advice on who i could contact to see about the possible re opening of the court case,& try have the points removed,& a possible fine or some other way to pay the penalty for no L plates,so i can at least drive my own car without relying on a busy friend which has little spare time to do so,any advice would be very much appreciated.
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