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Everything posted by Rebecca1992

  1. Not yet, thank you, I am just amending the template now to suit me and then I will be posting it, Its just really frightened me, this was £50 that I didn't know I owed until after I was made redundant, im not sure where its come from as the time when I have gone into arrears with them, I was unemployed and my council tax was being paid. Its all so confusing. Its gone from £50 to a possible £300 in such a small space of time
  2. I have just spoken to the council and the gentleman I spoke to said once its been passed to an enforcement agency, it stays with them until the accounts been settled, he said there is no way of me settling it with them directly. Is this true?
  3. Hi, about 3 weeks ago a bailiff came to our property to "recover" £50 owed to council tax, I didn't have it because I was made redundant in February and I am 29 weeks pregnant so have been pretty much unemployable, though I have tried. We managed to set up a payment plan which would be £20 every fortnight, paid on a payment card and he said I would receive one through the post then had to start doing it. I didn't receive any card and to be quite honest I pushed it to the back of my mind as I have been trying to get the things I needed for my baby, my partner is working but he doesn't earn a lot and it has been hard paying everything. He gets just over £200 a week and out of that £100 goes a side for rent, £25 for council tax, the rest goes on other bills (gas, electric & food) The payment card never came through and today I received a letter saying I had defaulted on the payment and there for it has been raised to £198.37, this has gone up because I have defaulted on payments and ignored a letter. I rang them up and explained I hadn't received a payment card yet and had a very rude women on the phone who told me I should have found an alternative method to pay them by and I have till Monday to put £40 in there bank card why I wait for a payment card to pay the rest off. She also said that because my partner is working we have to up our payments and I explained that we just cant afford any more than we are paying and she said "that's not our problem, lend it off somebody" She has given me 7 days to provide proof of benefit?? I am on no benefits and I tried explaining this to her, she said if I cant provide proof of benefits and I cant pay the full amount off within the 7 days then bailiffs will be attending my property and seizing goods, whether we are paying the £20 a fortnight or not, she also said if we don't pay it in full and bailiffs come out then our total will go up to just over £300, then they will add extra on for selling our goods?? All this off a debt of £50 from 2 years ago which im trying to pay off!!.. What are my rights as I really don't need this stress at the moment, im classed as high risk as it is and have been put on bed rest till the end of my pregnancy. im really scared! please advise!
  4. I have asked about them and after being told it was compulsory i did a bit of research online (thanks to you pointing me in the right direction) it is useless and not needed so i have my HP agreement and im going down to CAB to see how i can get them off xx
  5. Just had a phone call of Elaine and I think it might be sorted, I am having a replacement TV brought to me tonight until wednesday and I am having 1 month credited onto my account!
  6. Well I have just this minute had a phone call. I have been on the cases all day and they are bringing me a tv, which isnt mine, just to pull me over till wednesday when its delivered. Im not happy with this and have told them and i am still contacting trading standards, Ive got my mum structuring a letter as shes really good with this kind of thing
  7. Ive emailed her but they said shes not in the office today so i doubt she will get it
  8. they said its not been put on the van so i asked why and they said there's no management in we cant tell you so i told them it wasnt good enough i wanted to speak to a manager or supervisor but they wouldn't budge. yes i said Mondays a bank holiday and i got sorry we cant tell you when it will come then.
  9. I no, they are truly ridiculous I had a manager tell me yesterday i would have it today they were quick enough to take a payment
  10. Surprise surprise its not coming today now- Monday. After giving them he'll on the phone does anyone no how I can contact TS, financial ombudsman and who ever else I need?
  11. Today's meant to be the day.. But unfortunately it doesn't look that way. I was meant to get a phonecall first thing with a delivery time which I didn't get. I've waited until now + rang, the girl on the end of the phone said my account didn't say I was having a delivery she said who told you so I said Elaine and the man who took my payment. Too which I got told 1 minute let me see what I can do she put me on hold that was 32 minutes ago! Still on hold waiting.
  12. No problem I wont. Thanks for your help. Ill sit down and structure one tonight and post it on in the morning, least the reading up on regulations will help me in the long run. I start a Bachelors of Laws Honours degree in October
  13. Ok so if i research on the internet regulations and put together a rough letter if i post it on here will you read it to make sure its worded properly, i wouldnt have the first idea where to start. I am going CAB on Monday so if i take my HP Agreements and letters with the insurance details ans a print off of the emails which say its compulsory should they be able to guide me in the right direction. I can deal with them being threatening and pushy as long as they dont send people round to my house, im not good with face to face confrontation. this wont happen will it?
  14. I dont believe them for a second. What would you suggest my next course of action should be? I will start listening to you and not them, Im just not sure what to do next
  15. It makes me angry also but it is a catch 22 situation at the moment as until the TV is back in my possession they can at any moment "bring an end to the agreement" there words not mine. so until i have the TV there is very little I can do. x
  16. Yes that is correct matt v atos, if there was a way to cancel i would have Also renegadeimp I have already sent a full complaint letter to head office, I have attempted to claim back insurance but was told it wasnt possible, that doesnt mean im not going to try again, as soon as i have the TV back i will carry on pushing for the insurance. I have also contacted my local CAB and have made an appointment to see them on Monday 13th when they are open to talk about legal action. I am by no means letting this slide. Yes i am happy to get my TV back tomorrow as it is a step in the right direction but that doesnt mean im not disgusted by the way i have been treated and that doesnt mean I am going to sit back and simply wait for my TV to be paid off. I am going to carry on trying for the insurances and I also want those responsible for wrong doing me to suffer in some kind of way.
  17. Ive had several emails from a member of staff. One where i asked if the insurance where compulsory and if i could have them taken off to which i was told no and they are compulsory another when i asked if as i couldnt have the insurances removed from my account if i could reduce my weekly payments to which i was told i would have to have a "fresh start" put on my account where i pay lower amounts over a longer period. Another where i said i no longer wanted to be a BAYV customer and was there any possible way instead of continuing to pay for the TV if i could use the £800 to pay for another TV refurbished or not to replace it and cut my ties with the company which i was told wasnt possible Another where i asked why a court order wasnt used to take the Tv to which i was told they had permission (my friend) and that it is " Buy As You View is a Hire Purchase Company and the terms of the Hire Purchase Agreement is that the goods remain the property of BAYV until the final payment is made" I have letters from them (my agreement, the consent to remove and a few receipts) Thats about it, i have no statements or anything Im not sure if this is what you meant? Rebecca
  18. yes i DID NOT give them permission to take this TV i did not give them permission to reveal my personal details to my friend, yes he already knew my personal details, but that isnt the point. and yes i was accused of this and it was never mentioned in the termination ticket. I am guessing they never mentioned it in the termination ticket because it never happened and they wanted something to try and "get the ball in there court" they were in the wrong and wanted to make everything ok again by lying.
  19. I agree i pretty much did and i wish i didnt have to. yes they took the tv but i wasnt around to prevent this, I was told until i paid what was owed i couldnt have the tv, so in a way this is a form of blackmail. but unless i paid for it i would have lost the TV. I didnt see any other choice...
  20. Im not exactly happy with that, but i am happy im getting my tv back and not flushing £800 down the drain.
  21. Hi Stu007 the document had written in pen or pencil the date, my account number and name and address. that is all, it was just a pink piece of paper with buy as you view printed on it and collection by consent/termination ticket printed on. then there were boxes that should have different things wrote in it. No details printed on it if thats what you mean? They have no evidence photographic or otherwise as it was never done just "word of mouth" apparently.
  22. Hi all had a phone call of buy as you view to take payment. Payment has been taken and my TV will be being returned tomorrow (they cant tell me what time but they say i will get a phone call an hour before they deliver it. I then need to carry on making my £13 a week payments to them. Hopefully it will be all sorted now! Thanks All xx
  23. Lol still no phone call yet. i have emailed elaine to take payment but no phone call or email as of yet.. I doubt ill get it back today now xx
  24. Ill do my best I just want the TV back in my house lol.. not sure how they will get it to me though as ive said if the person who took my TV out of the house steps one foot into it, even to put my TV back I will lock him in and ring the police as he shouldn't have come in my house and took it in the first place.. its a bit pathetic of me but i dont want him back in my house xx
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