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  1. I Just wanted to say a big thank you to all the posters who took the time to offer their experience and advice, thank you Banditqueen, UncleBulgaria & Alisindebt. In answer to your question I am in the US which is probably not the greatest place to be with the Uk banks having operations or subsidiaries here. I am concerned what they will do to my credit here and also to anything that I have here.For twenty years I was a good credit risk for them all and having paid probably hundreds of thousands of pounds back to them over the time they have done pretty well out of me. Of course I utilised them also but I know who I would rather be. I didnt know about the CCJ being set aside if youre a foreign resident. Thanks . The thing is, since this thing started the last thing I thought I should do is alert them of my location so the debt could be sold to another agency. I guess I may have been wrong. I have always paid back loans and credit cards and the circumstances went out of control. Im know the US banks have sophisticated systems to track everything. Do you think if US bank A knew I had an account at Bank B that they would be able to obtain any details. I suspect the answer is yes. While the amount I am talking about is fairly significant, I do not know where they draw the line when they determine the cost of pursuing someone in another continent or Bankrupting me at home which would cause me problems no doubt. What I am most worried about is what it will do to my efforts of a new business here. I feel slightly better knowing there are people to talk to who have been there. Thank you all. Hope to hear from you again.
  2. Hello, I hope someone will be able to help with my situation. I have always had a good credit history , a business and had a very good relationship with several banks until a few months ago. I have been living in another non EU country and my income stopped meaning I couldnt pay the Uk debts back. I know that they have passed the files to collection and I believe they are at early stages of tracking me. The banks have connections in the country I am in. Please could someone who has experience advise me what the best course of action is.I always have and believe in negotiating things but right now I am unable to pay anything back until I make some money. I have also heard some of the collectors selling on debts to foreign companies. I have always paid loans back but this situation is very difficult indeed. Please can somebody kindly advise me. Thanks ST
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