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  1. I never asked for a judgement, just some advice. I also state in my question that it's a retired pass not a freedom pass. I have seen multiple threads where people have been asked to explain their actions in writing
  2. Hi All I would like to ask for some advice but would like to first hold back information which could lead to me being readily identified. I've spent the past few hours searching and reading through this forum, but I can't see any threads from someone similar to me, which leads me to fear that I could be facing a substantial fine/jail time/lord knows what. I was caught using a relatives photo oyster card (a retired pass). At the time I had my details taken by the ticket inspector, but at no point did he mention that I was being interviewed under caution. He asked me 5 basic questions (Did I intend to avoid paying my fare today? etc), and I answered all of them honestly. Reading through the forum it seems as though I was interviewed under caution (although he did not mention the word caution), and I had to sign and date the form he completed. I have now received a letter asking me to contact the revenue control inspector so that I can have an interview under caution in relation to this matter. Is this because the initial inspector did not mention I was under caution? Or is this because they want to gather as much information as possible before taking me to criminal court? Most other people are given the option of sending a letter apologising, but I have to be interviewed. Note - I haven't phoned the inspector yet to arrange my availability for an interview.
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