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  1. my credit score is 604 which is classified as poor by Equifax and credit expert. Any tips to get me back on track, I am already with vanquish and my credit score 12 mths ago was 560. Is there a quicker process for me to increase my score?
  2. thank you still upset that it will not improve my credit score as i have ensured that the whole balance is paid monthly and that i am never late with payments. It is so frustrating, especially as i now have the money to pay things off, but no credit to purchase goods just so that i can build up credit score, as i want to apply for a mortgage in 2 years.
  3. Unfortunately i cannot get credit anywhere else so will just have to stick with them for another couple of years
  4. Thanks for the reply I can't believe that!!. They said it would improve my score. I am very upset as i have been paying the whole balance off monthly for 6 months and could see no improvement in score rating.
  5. Hi everyone. I am another newbie to this great forum. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for a vanquis credit card to improve credit score. my score (just checked on expirian) is 574 and deemed as poor,which is not bad as last month it was 550 and very poor. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
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