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Reece Junior

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  1. Hi HB Thanks for that info , this is my first time ever blogging and you and everyone has been a great help Kind regards Reece
  2. Thank you Outcome of meeting with uni on next page (I think, still trying o navigate pages) Kind regards Reece
  3. Thank you Update of meeting on next page Kind regards Reece
  4. Hi All Thank you for your feedback The university called me for in for a discussion, and the outcome that I can still attend university but the trust will not allow me to do my placements there. There are two other trusts under partnership with the university and they will have to go right to the top at director of the NH level to notify them of the situation. They will then notify the trust who disallowed me that they will seek permission from the partners for me to practice in theirs. If they agree then all is good, However if not then a fitness to practice procedure will have to take place as if I can't do my placement then can I be fit to practice. Thank you all for your honest feedback, it is most valued and appreciated and I will notify you all of the outcome as soon as I know. Kind regards Reece
  5. The manager of my current placement applied for my access to the systems in order to do my notes, The lady from HR then called. As far as I am aware she has no authority over me as my all my placements over the 3 years are unpaid. I left quietly just to remain professional and not give the university any excuse to hold me back Kind regards Reece
  6. HI I agree with your comments and was given bad advice from my union rep at he time Fortunately I have been working in the voluntary sector with the same client group for over 3 years and have excellent feedback from my first 2 placements which can aid me a little. But I can't b a nurse without passing my degree and getting my registration. To do that I need to complete placements. I am in a catch 22 situation and am unsure of my rights I any. Being held back was on of many points of my original grievance Kind regards Reece
  7. Hi Thanks for your responses The lady is head of HR who was the same person who was meant to handle my grievance (which disappeared). I stated my nursing degree last year and 50% is placemen based under supervision of a mentor. I can't finish my degree without my placement so I am being held back. The question I have is, do I have any rights in regard to education as it appears unjust to not prevented from furthering myself which was one of my grievances in the first place Kind regards Reece
  8. Hi all I am new to this so please be gentle. My name is Reece and I have a situation that would benefit from your input. Just over 5 years ago I put in a bullying and harassment grievance against my manager and her two senior assistants. I was a nursing assistant for 5 years and had over 3 years of evidence as well as documented witnesses. I was moved to a temporary unit while the investigation was taking place. A year and a half later I dismissed for gross misconduct for holding a clients money in order to save him money by buying clothes from a legal well known online retailer with up to 70% savings. This was discussed with staff who agreed and the money I received could only be signed out by a qualified nurse who always needed to know what the money was for and account for it as they were the only ones with keys to the safe and had to sign for it. Everyone denied any knowledge and I was dismissed and my grievance disappeared. No police were called or mentioned. I applied and got into university to become a registered nurse. I am in my 3rd semester in the same trust I was dismissed from but had no problems until recently when the Lady who dealt with (or rather didn't), my grievance called the unit with which I was on placement and told me to leave the site and not come back. Placements are key to me passing my degree and getting my registration and I have worked through obstacles for over 8 years to get to study for the filed that I am s passionate about. I have also been working with vulnerable adults voluntarily for over 3 years and have not had any complaints or problems before or since my dismissal. Am I entitled to study to become a nurse? Could or would I be able to do my placements in another trust? Do I have any options? Any feedback (good or bad), would be greatly appreciated as all I want to do is educate myself further. Kind regards Reece
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