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John McClane

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  1. Hi Andy, Thanks for the super fast reply. What is a section 77/78 request and where would I find that. Also I'm not sure what a PT V by the CCA1974 is either, I'm guessing it is something like part 5 of a consumer law from 1974? Apologies for lack of knowledge, just become very short on time due to no internet and deadline looming. Should I be worried about them taking me to court? Thank you again.
  2. Hey everyone, I am new to the forums and although I had joined a few weeks ago I haven't been able to come online to air my problem(s). I will cut to the chase and give only the details rather than a fluffy story so here goes. I have in the past received letters from the Halifax but after becoming almost homeless I ended up in emergency accommodation for the university I attended. For a short time I dropped off the radar and didn't hear anything (nor did I think anything of them...out of sight out of mind etc.) Since then I have moved a few times and after a fall out with my parents (who I am now fully estranged from) my father gave them my address after a letter had come to their house. Anyway I was unable to pay anything as I was studying and looking after my young son so I then had westcott debt services onto me last year. I paid them some money but again fell into hardship and they chased me for a while. Then all of a sudden it was a new company after me...Comquest agency. They fell by the wayside after a month or two and then I never heard anything of it. That was a couple of months ago and then a couple of weeks ago I had a letter from Robinson Way stating that I now owe them money. I responded via email to state I had received the letter and I would only contact them via email or letter. Since then I had and still am unable to pay them anything (I've a lot of other things to worry about as well as them). So they sent another letter and I had not responded as I haven't had the time to. Then 10 days ago I was sent a letter from Drydens Fairfax Solicitors (I will attach image to this post). Basically they state I have ten days (those ten days end today) to get in touch and pay in full or call and pay what I can etc. Thing is I have nothing to pay them as I'm currently unable to work due to personal reasons and the doctors will not allow me to go back yet. So I'm not sure what to do but I only have today to do it. The debt is 5yrs old from a student overdraft (long story short I had my son and spent most of the money on looking after him and rent). Any help would be great as I am a complete novice at this stuff. Many thanks, John. For those who cannot read the letter from the image I shall write it out below:
  3. Hey localbrummie, thanks for this thread it has given me a ton of info to start my own personal war on RW with. Cheers Brum
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